Of the following, which is the most frequent cause of seizures in the elderly?
A. Alcohol withdrawal
B. Stroke
C. Head trauma
D. Hypoglycemia
E. Dementia
age >40 yrs:
1)brain tumour
going for ans: B
good topic
five-year study7 of 151 patients with a first seizure after 60 years of age found that 32 percent of the seizures were caused by strokes and 14 percent by brain tumors, including meningiomas, malignant gliomas, and brain metastases; 25 percent had no identifiable cause. A community cohort study8 of 675 patients with a first stroke found that the risk of having a seizure was 2 percent at stroke onset and 11 percent in the first five years after the stroke. Seizure recurrence after a stroke can be immediate, or it may not happen for several years.9 Recurrences are more common after hemorraghic or severe ischemic strokes with cortical (particularly occipital) involvement and late onset of the first seizure.8,10