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Full Version: Any old grad got ivs? - junaid_08
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actaully meti u r right.not all but most of rejections are from programs which have gard cut of criteria but i still applied due to my scores.
but few programs(with >10 yr grad criteria) though havnt sent me rej but i see those programs sending ivs ,which making me nervous.
Dear Junaid...if it is possible for u ( i am broken for God sake! and i know it is pricy)...but plz write another ps and try some few more programs.
also, try to re-asign the new ps for a few programs too! here is the key,...wht more we can loose by now?
being honest is gr8!! but we shudnt brag on our failures on ps!! this is wht i have heard a lot. we shudnt lie, but we dont need to repeat the failures all u said well, they wud see our failures anyways! but we shudnt repeat it in ps! it sux man!
plz try to give this a chance and see the differences.
lets hope and pray for the best to come.
I didnt say anything in my ps regarding my past exams other than telling i got certified in 1999 and redid exams with double99 now.
its the application where it says step1=passed 1998
then again step1 passed 2008

step2 passed 1999
step2 passed 2009

then step3 passed
csa passed
same has happened for me.
program sent rejection/iv, but i didn't get neither.
so, what does it mean?
we may get iv later.

i'm older than you.
i followed yr grad strictly, got 2 reject., no iv though.

i still believe you will get it.

ok, i donno more! i hope u get in wht u wish. this yr seems tough! either rejc or silent rejectSad
all the best to everyone!
yes, john.
it's tough sure.
i don't know either.
but we should keep our hope alive.
(sentence could be changed after two yrs!!!!!!)
this is my first time match.

i heard ~ 50% program usually send rejection, rest are silent.
so, i'm waiting for flood of rejection!

finally, hope for the best.
thnx meti and john
i heard from few old grads from forum that they got ivs end oct ,nov and few even dec so lets hope for the best
U will get ivs junaid-08. This last weekend I attended kaplan free event hosted at UCSD. It was about USMLE Steps-exam taking strategies as well as about Dr. Conard Fischer's new book "Living Miracles".Dr. Fischer started the presentation by giving a general idea about what programs look in a candidate.
Yes these were the 3 things that he emphasized on. According to him you can not change your school,transcript is not important for imgs as their medical schools have different grading system compared to US med school.But he stressed more on scores and made it clear that an Img with high scores(even if he needs visa) will be given preference over AMG with low scores.
Personal statment and LORS he told were not that important as these 2 things are same for almost all the candidates.
When I saw your post I was inspired by your persistence and hard work.How come the programs won't see this.
All the best!!
Hi junaid in which speciality did u apply? What kind of prgrams u have applied .u said that u took all the exams two times so what ur ecfmg certication says is it older one or they issued new one after second set of exams
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