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Full Version: why this change - sweetgal123
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i was atleast getting a response though it was rejections or acknowledgment in september. everybody said the programs are speeding up n IVS are coming in the bulk but its October and now their is no response except for one rejection in the last 13 days. what should i think of ?

Does it mean the silent rejection? or should i expect ivs in nov. or dec?

my CS results would be out soon. wuold it make any difference? any encouraging input appreciated but please be honst rather than giving false hopes. its time for me to make a wise but difficult decision.
any input? guys please pour your experience
wat are ur creds and hw many programs did u apply??
96/83/wating/ 2 months USCE/ need visa/ appled to 70 program in IM and 15 in Peds

i year residency in Anesthesia in home country. applied on sep 1
any kind soul????????????
I am in the same situation like you , but I am getting daily one or two rejection , I
do you know what will you eat this same day next week. When we dont even know this trivial thing how can anyone tell when intws will come ! Just have faith and wait. Worrying will not change anything Smile
I just want to know the general trend of IVs since its almost the same every year. Is it wise to spend 5oo bucks a month to live here or go home and come back in case you get an interview? this is what i am trying to figure out..... specially with the rise in the number of phone screening
please sugest helpdesk
@sweetgal123 ---- considering ur profile---(96/83/wating/ 2 months USCE/ need visa/ appled to 70 program in IM and 15 in Peds

i year residency in Anesthesia in home country. applied on sep 1) ---

u shud b hearing soon from programs...many programs send out IV in waves....first they send out to those with high scores or gr8 the coming waves other people are considered...

The only thing worrying me in ur profile is ur residency in anesthesia and u applied to IM and peds...however, many there are many ppl who do the same, but they do cover for this by expalining in their personal statement...did u do that?

Last but not the least....many of my friends with scores same as u as well as less that urs are still without IVs and waiting for responses.

{ I just want to know the general trend of IVs since its almost the same every year. Is it wise to spend 5oo bucks a month to live here or go home and come back in case you get an interview? this is what i am trying to figure out..... specially with the rise in the number of phone screening}--- i also was going thru the same dilemma, but my experienced friends advised me to stay in US as it is very much helpful as for fone IVs and many other things.

Hope all this helps u
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