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Full Version: Match! Match! Why she cannot match me?!! - mohanrr
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My girlfriend passed all steps. She applied IV/Patho and got 2 IVs. I wish that she matches a good program soon.

This is a sad story: she has been working in famous medical university in east coast for 8 years. We live together shortly after she came to here from Thailand. I love her and she loved me very much. I help her from all devours: experiments, teaching her how to drive, cooking good food for her, daily housekeeping, green card, tax return, almost all aspects.
Three years ago, she decided to take the board examination. Since then, I do my best to help her: I nerve let her to do any house work, I send her to work and pick up her everyday; I collect all information for her. During CS preparation, she practice on me as SP. Every night, we practiced 3-4 cases. I accompanied with her to Chicago and Philly for the examination. Finally she passed steps for scores 93/98/CS 2nd. Before September, I started collecting program information. I sent more than 1000 emails to PD/PC. We selected 110 programs together and applied. To get USCE, I contacted a head of my university, so she had a chance to do the observership as my wife. I helped her to obtain 2 good US LoRs. Most recently, I collected more than 250 IV questions for her. I answered most of the questions, including some tough questions like what™s Obama™s medicare reform? What are the difference of medicare between US and Thailand? I am sure she will get more IVs soon. I love her-it is really unconditional.

Unfortunately, days ago, she told me she did not love me. I am so astonished at what she said. Almost 7 years of hard work, almost 7 years of wholeheartedly contribution, why she wants to leave me? I almost cannot breath. I am dyeing!!

Even more, she left her husband in Thailand (Urologist) along, and did not tell him her out-marriage condition. She doesn™t want to get divorced. Finally her husband dated a girlfriend three years ago, but was found by her family. The girl waited for almost 3 years and found their relationship with her husband was hopeless, and suicide days ago.

Why she wants to mess up my life? Why she wants to mess up her husband™s life. Do you think she will mess up her own life?

It hurts me a lot. I am an active USMLEFORUM contributor. I wish to get helps from you guys.

By the way, I am sorry to bother you guy. I know actually it is not related to the match forum. I will do my best to contribute for your IV using different ID. I am sorry again.



are you also a physician? so you basically slaved your life away for her? it is unfair what she did to you, but you cannot force someone to love you or stay with you. you just have to let her go...
I used to be a physician in my country, had a long experience in university hospital managing, medical education and continueing medical education as well as a good doctor. But I just do research work over here (more than 10 years).
as the hunters say:

If you Love Someone, Set them free
If they come back, it was meant to be

If they don't come back
hunt them down and kill them.

on a serious note...this aint the kind of forum for such talk...
I really don't want to hurt her, even a little.

I love her, but she treats me, treats my love very rudely.
why you publicize such a private story? Well, that's ok.

Obedience cannot exchange love, you might be a very good guy, not necessarily a good lover, a tough man.

It's her rights to leave you, though morally wrong.
used u for all ur worth. if i were u, contact the letter writers and inform them o situation. they can pull back a letter whenever they wish. lol she will be screwed.
btw, i am in an east coast famous univ.. give me her contact, i ll give her back to youSmile)))
I don't want to hurt her. Whole 3 years, day and night, very hard work for either. To become a doctor is her dream. As I said, I wish her dream becomes true.

I still work for her, even feel very depression.

I know that she is very self-motivated, and she doesn't accepted any suggestion from friends.
I don't know if it is bad that I help her too much.

But I know if I don't help, she cannot answer most of the IV questions.
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