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sb asked me for the list of interview questions. i have tried to incorporate every possible questions you might face. some are more high yield than others. if you want to discuss any question, we can discuss here.

1. How much do you know about our program
2. Tell me about yourself?
3. What motivates you?
4. Which three adjectives best describe you?
5. What are Your qualities you are proud of?
6. What are your strength and weaknesses?
7. How well do you take criticism.
8. If you could change one thing about your personality, what would it be?
9. What differences do you see in the health care system between your and this country?
10. What do you think are the draw backs in medical system in USA from your perspective"?
11. Why did you choose to be a physician
12. What are the three achievements or qualities that you are proud of?
13. What do you think are the most important traits in a clinician
14. Why do you want to go into this speciality? Why did you choose internal medicine?
15. In what subspeciality would you like to go.?
16. Why did you apply to this program. ?
17. What do you think you will contribute to our speciality/ program
18. Present an interesting case.
19. What errors have you made in your patient care.
20. What was the most memorable experience in your school.
21. How would you change the health care delivery system of the country?
22. What is the biggest challenge facing health care delivery?
23. How do you see the delivery of health care evolving in the 21st century.
24. Tell me about the patient from whom you learned the most
25. What do you think of hospitals that refuse admission to patients without insurance??
26. How well do you see yourself adapting to the American Health System?
27. What do you consider the positive and negative aspects of this specialty?
28. What are your expectations regarding this program?
29. How do you see the health care delivery system of the country evolving?
30. How have you changed since high school?
31. What are the major deficiencies in your medical school training? How do you plan to get over those?
32. What medical school course or class interested you the most.
33. What problems will our speciality face in the next 10 years?
34. What sacrifice are you willing to make to become a specialist
35. Where do you see yourself in ten years from now? As an academician or as a community physician??
36. How do you think socialized healthcare will affect medical progress?
37. How will you as a physician try to curb the rising cost of health care ?
38. What has shaped you the most and got you where you are at today
39. What was the most difficult and trying time in your life. How did you handle it?
40. What was the most important event in your life
41. How do you think you can be a productive member of our residency program?
42. Why America and not your own country? Don™t your countrymen need good doctors?
43. How does your roommate describe you?
44. If you could be any cell in the human body, which would it be?
45. What is more imp, knowledge or imagination.
46. You are organized and structured or flexible?
47. Are you serious and dedicated or relaxed?
48. If your house was burning, what are the three objects you would save ?
49. What are your three wishes? If you have unlimited money, what would you do.
50. What is the most important thing in your life.
51. If you are deserted on an island, what would you take with you?
52. What kind of people do you get along with?
53. Describe your best friend.
54. Who are your heroes
55. What is the last book you read?
a. The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins
56. How do you define success
57. f you could accomplish only one thing in your life, what would it be?
58. What physician characteristics do you admire the most?
59. In your med school, whose work do you admire the most and why
60. What do you do in your spare time. , if you had a free day, what would you do?
61. Have you done any volunteer work
62. What is the most bizarre thing you have ever done
63. Where have you travelled.
64. What nonmedical magazines do you regularly read
65. What would you do if you found out one of your colleague is using drugs/ alcohol?
66. In which situation are you most efficient?
67. To which organization do you belong?
68. Would you have any trouble working in this predominantly catholic hospital How important is family for you?
69. If you could no longer be a physician, what career would you choose?
70. Biggest failures in life and what have you done to ensure that they won™t happen again?
71. How will you incorporate your research interest into your residency and future career?
72. How do you make decisions. Are you a risk taker?
73. What was the most difficult decision you had to take in your life.
74. What motivates you to study?
75. What have been the biggest failures in your life? What have you done to ensure they don™t happen again
76. Which type of people do you have trouble working with.
77. Describe the worst attending you ever worked with
78. What kind of patient do you have trouble dealing with.
79. How do you normally handle conflict? How do you handle disagreements with colleagues or attending.
80. How do you handle criticism.
81. What subject or rotation did you have the most difficulty.
82. What has been your greatest challenge
83. How much of lifestyle considerations fit into your choice
84. What qualities are you looking for in a program?
85. What will be the toughest aspect of this speciality for you ?
86. can you stand for a long time. Are you willing to do graveyard shifts and all weekends for a month. ??
87. Why should we take you in preference to other candidates? What makes you unique
88. What Is your energy level like?
89. How well do you function under pressure.
90. How well do you handle death?
91. What is managed care? HMOs? PPOs? Capitation? Prepaid medical system? Deductible, copayment.
92. What does a cross cultural approach to healing mean?
93. What recent newsworthy medical event would you like to discuss?
94. What do you think is the no 1 issue facing our specialty now?
95. If a patient just stabbed your best friend, what would you do?
96. What would you do if the housestaff have a job action, aka a strike?
97. Should physicians be involved in active euthanasia?
98. What do you think about using animals in medical research and teaching
99. Is health care rationing ethical?
100. What would u do if a colleague wanted to keep a therapeutic error secret from the patient?
101. What clinical experience have you had in this specialty?
102. Why is medicine called an art, or a practice?
103. What do you think of physician advertising.
104. Why are beer cans tapered at the top and the bottom?
105. Why are manhole covers round and not square?
106. How do you weigh a jet plane without dismembering it?
107. Tell me a joke.
108. Where else have you interviewed?
109. What is your stand on abortion and cloning?
110. What if you don™t match?
111. What errors have you made in patient care? Sample answer
112. What is the greatest fear about practicing medicine?
113. Anything else you would like to add?
114. If you were offered a position today, would you accept?
115. What would you do after your residency? Will you go back to your country?
116. Tell me one important research article you have read recently in a medical journal.
great! thanks for sharing. duloxetine
good job! plz lets help each other and not to hurt! keep it civil and scientific and plz ignore the rest! PDs scan this forum, so plz be careful!
Pretty extensive.

If people post the questions they have had including medical questions, we can make a list of more commonly asked questions and answer those.

Dr. Belibi
OK, I had this one: What have you done that brought a big change to your hospital?
i was asked- what difference do you see between the health care delivery between your country and the States.

this is what i said, more or less.

a. In our part, the motto is doing the greatest good to the greatest no of people. Hospitals and ER are very crowded and stressful, so are the floors. So pt rarely gets individual attention from the doctors. Here, patients are cared for individually by doctors, which is nice.

b. Definitely we are low tech in our part of the world, no interventional radiology, no fancy drugs like imatinib and rituximab. Only drugs which are being used for a long time are available, and we have to make do with them. No new investigative technologies like MUGA or PET scanning, ie no any radionuclide imaging.

c. Even those treatment and investigations available cannot be afforded by many, so we have to rely on our clinical judgement more than anything.

d. The doctor to patient ratio is very low, workload is high.
e. We don™t have electronic record keeping system, and no way of coordinating care between 2 centers.
f. We have less fear of litigation in our part, so doctors don™t practice defensive medicine like here. In our part, whatever doctors say is the ultimate, patients don™t question that. That™s one of the reason healthcare is very cheap in our part of the world.
g. The education level of general public is also not enough for patients to be proactive for themselves, so doctors have to decide on the best course of treatment most of the time.
h. There is mostly no concept of healthcare insurance, so patients all pay their own bills, but the good part is that the cost of treatment, atleast in public hospitals, are very low and significantly subsidized by the government.

i was asked 'what do you think the most difficult part of internship would be for you in this country ?'


one thing that would be difficult for me in the beginning would be to give complete autonomy to the patient regarding their healthcare. in our part, the literacy rate isnt that good, so we could rarely take informed consent, no matter how hard we tried to explain the facts. so we had to make many decisions in the best interest of the patients. here, patients are quite educated and can make their own decisions. i would have to learn to give complete autonomy to them even in the smallest things concerning their healthcare

another answer

Toughest aspect will probably be doing the right thing, and keeping abreast of all the developments in the EBM that is changing the way we practice medicine day by day. Keeping track of new recommendations, like PPI improving COPD patients, and those unrelated and seemingly weird things, that is quite a challenge for a clinician. The standards and the recommendations keep on changing, and to be at the top of my game is really a challenge for us all.
the same q here:
" the most difficult part of internship for you"..."diff bw my med school or my previous experience and the US"
hummm....ur answer is really guud....however, my univ back home was pretty equipped with advanced tech in med research..., then i had to work in dif parts of the world, so i had no ideas wht to say to be short!
my answ:
i have practiced med in different areas of the world and i feel confident to handle difficult challenges. i added ..." US has the best med tech and residency training...."
thanks, man

That question asks for specific accomplishment in your hospital.
- Implementation of screening programs?
- Leading committee of prevention medicine?
- Creating new educational programs?
- Change in how clinic is run? Patient assignment? Recruitment of nurses?
- Implementing a new research program?

Duloxetine, you handled the question of difference in health care system very very well. Your response should be used by everybody on this forum.

Dr. Belibi
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