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Full Version: is it possible to match wid 2 iv's...plzzzz re - 18doc
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anotherguy & drice

i think he/she just needs reassurance, yes no one can tell, but you guys answers suggest how immature...
I am in the same boat and Guess what I got my ivs after mid Dec means after others canceled!! I hope we can make it..Good luck..who knows ..
prepare very well having in your mind that you want this residency. Practice your iv, research about programs and look waht qualities they are looking for?
Believe on God and if this is right time for you to match then you will.
medicalstudent, we are just being realistic. Dont live on false hopes u will be disappointed. Always plan multiple options/next-steps with worst case scenario in mind.

I am not saying 18doc will not match; i am just saying matching with low scores is usually hard.
@medicalstudent......we are being realistic...don't paint an imaginary picture of reassurance....lets face it...its tough on all of us....its nice to be positive...but be realistic at the same time...
once you get iv mostly it depends how you perform in iv. It is not your score only, they look for other qualities too. It does not mean score does not matter, waht I mean after getting iv you have more chances and you can increase it more by your performance on iv day.
tipusmle I totally agree making good impression in interview certainly helps.

What i am saying is an average case, like if you pick 100 people with scores in upper 80s or 90s what is their probability of matching.

the problem with Interview is it is very subjective. Some programs dont even ask u med.questions, so its obviously not merit based once u r in interview. It depends on several factors - apperance, demeanor, mingling, talkative/conversation, accent/cultural/regligious background, skin color, hobbies. Which factor matters depends on they type of person who interviewed you. Life is not fair, and some people are racist towards certain attribute (skin, religion, country, sports background or what ever)

Everybody thinks they did great or that the PD was smiling and cordial. The folks in this country are always professional, polite/cordial in a formal setting. Dont assume they like youl They could be telling the same thing to everybody.

So bottom line, interview is not a guarantee or something u can depend on. Scores? now thats something you can count on.
I agree withyou all other points but score helps you to get iv and partly in iv. During iv what matters is mostly your performance. I had 9 ivs last yr and matched, I was anxious at first iv but by 4th or 5th iv I was confident. So if some one has two ivs needs to work hard as he has less chances for eror. My exp is that score matters but if you have some extra qualities like having US clinical exp from good hospital and confidence which you get by having exposure to us clinical exp by externship, you can beat candidates with 90's.
I went through two matches and what was the difference for my match yr, my 15 months US exp, step3 and my commitment to same specialty.

I can understand how you are feeling as I am sailing in the same boat. Hang in there. Make the most of your IV's. There have people matching with 1 IV and people with > 10 not matching. Its all about your attitude and the rest you have to leave to the higher power. Best of luck!!
tipusmle you are not an average case.

you are a US citizen with 15 months externship / real-clinical-exp and your speciality was psych. I know your have attempts and low scores, but the above factors trump everything else.
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