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Full Version: is it possible to match wid 2 iv's...plzzzz re - 18doc
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have 2 ivs from program tht dont offer prematch........ ne chance to get match
You only need one interview to match... make the most of them! Keep in touch! And have confidence in yourself.
thanks for the kind words
very difficult question, you may match with one iv or may not match with 10 ivs. I have friend who matched last yr with one iv and other friend who did not match with 11 ivs.
Good luck
@ 18doc
Which specialty ?
for PEDS
yes its possible
yes it is,many have done that in the past.if u have contact in thoes places,u need only one,if ur contact is an attending u just need to show up,and it is secured.i am attending countless Iv,but my friend needed only one iv to get matched.
good luck
I am afraid it depends on your creds usmle scores. Matching with low scores, particularly low 80s or below 80s is very hard. best of luck.
Well....frankly the chances are less...keep your fingers crossed though...anything is possible...all the best...
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