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Full Version: what is the best way of doing nbmes - hopefor99
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what is the best time and interval to give all nbmes
i have 2 and half month and i only did nbme1 and usmle world sa 1
after doing nbmes what is the best time to review them
should i review them alone or with someone
i am realy confused
plz give ur feedback
plz anyone
no one
NBMEs can't be reviewed unless you buy 6 or 7 and pay the extra $15 for the questions you got wrong.
I have taken 3 NBMEs and the way I took them is to feel like I am actually taking the Step 1 in the sense that I take the exam in the early morning starting at 8, i take a 10min snack break between blocks... usually ends up taking 5 hours.
Not really sure what you mean about reviewing them...
World though you can review your exams with anyone but U-World does a great job of explaining what you really need to know in the Educational Objective. I am on my 3rd round of U-World and already feels easier than the first round.