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Which of the following medical interventions is an example of a primary preventive measure?

A. Isolation of disease contacts
B. Mammography
C. Routine immunization
D. Screening for visual acuity
E. Testing of stool for occult blood

a is non medical primary approach, b is sec, c prim, d tertiary, e sec.....plz correct me if m wrong....
The correct answer is C.
Primary prevention requires implementation of a procedure when the disease is not present even in a presymptomatic phase. Routine immunization of individuals at risk, whether children or adults, is primary prevention.

Isolation of disease contacts is tertiary prevention (choice A).

Mammography is a form of secondary prevention (choice B) where the early or presymptomatic recognition of disease is involved.

Visual screening is a screening test and a form of secondary prevention (choice D).

Occult blood testing in stool is a form of secondary prevention as well (choice E).
yes in Behavioral Science, BRS, Fadem