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Full Version: --Hopeless day became a hopeful day-- - meti
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There are many examples,
but I am remembering two.

Just 2 days before of my ck exam, one of worst day.
Every things infront of me including q bank in computer were blurred “
I opened my door to clean trash, a green box infront of my door! There was no name tag from where it came. I opened it --- a sweet smell, bunch of white lilies with green leaves!! Every thing was more blurred, and all of my sadness came out with that salty water. My friend who lives few blocks away from me sent it with a note of courage.

Again, today was a worst day, I didn™t know where can I go, what to do??
A green box came again. I know now what is inside “ creamy white and red roses from my friend with a note ˜----- you have come too far to give up ---˜

Both of the time she didn™t know the situation I was going through on that time.
I felt God sent it to me the time I needed those!!

I am brown (near to MaKali) with black eyes”
She is white with blue eyes.

I came from a poor, small country “
She is from America, a rich and a big country “

We are from different religion,
She is in my prayer “
I am in her prayer “

She knows who I am,
I know who she is,

We are friends!

(PS: It indicates to me “ do not give up, wake up everyday to see that dream of a peaceful day! I am glad if it encourages at least one person like me. Thanks for your patience to read it)

Smile)) see, i told you so!!!

Is it snowing big time there?
it's snowing --
how do you know -
it's christmas eve--
snowy christmas--

thanks to my all friends like you,
always give me all courage, hope, goodwishes.
i am thankful to Him.
i haven't got many things,
but i got few, but very good friends.
how do i know its snowing?? oh well, my sledge got stuck there and my reindeers will not move for sometime....... ho ho ho....
hi,Santa --
nice meti....nice imgspouse!!!! may God bless u with urs, have a very happppy holiday!
you're in my prayers too meti..thank you for this post!
thanks for the post, meti.
I am remembering my that friend. I am in guilty now.
I should remember her every day!

May God bless our day
Reminds me of my friend. hats off to my friend, I am in love with him.
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