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Full Version: Be Civil .. stop these religious &country dissing. - mysam
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For heavens sake, this is a MEDICAL FORUM.. and not a religious or political forum. We are not here to be converted to another religion or seek allegiance to another country nor defend a persons personal belief. Please keep your views on these topics in check and away from this forum and stay on the topics at hand being - Match, residency and current medical advancements.

AMEN!!!! dats really distracting!
I agree.
Please STOP IT>
Yes, I agree. It's immature to have these discussions on a medical forum. I wonder how these people will fit in a residency program where there is a lot of diversity, be it religion or ethnicity. That is why there are so many concerns when hiring IMGs because most of them have never experienced diversity.
my vote!
the funny thing is that all these people are foreigners or 'fresh of the boat'. u guys are freakin 1000's of miles from your home country, and you're being racist??!! i really hope that u meet some racist redneck here in america (and trust me there r quite a few of them), who tells u to come back where u came from.
if u can't live in this diversity, just go back home