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Full Version: please clarify these TWO doubts --pleaseeeeeeeeeee - beena1997
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1. in paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria AP is low due to pancytopenia ----then why there is leukocyte alkaline phosphate is high in hairy cell leuckamia even though there is pancytopenia

2. in CML alkaline phosphate is low because blast cells present where as in leukamoid reaction high AP present due to mature cells ----but to the contrary in myelofibrosis AP is elevated even though we see leukoerythroblasts in blood ---my doubt is due to the presence of blasts in myelofibrosis the AP has to be LOW but instead in all text books it is given as HIGH ---why ?????
in PNH ----> neutrophil AP is elevated
CML--------> serum AP is eleveted but leukocyte AP is low or normal or eleveted
myelofibrosis-----> leukocyte AP is involved

well i think v cant compare these on basis of AP coz there r different isotypes of AP.

Also plz check in hairy cell, acid phosphatase is taken in consideration not alkaline p...