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im confused on this concept:

primary prevention==patient doesnt have the disease yet, and u are promoting good behaviours and health to prevent hazards... eg---dont smoke or drink alcohol

secondary---patient has mild disease or already smokes and you SCREEN TO PREVENT FURTHER progression of disease.

so lets say the patient is already a smoker but does not have any disease eg bronchitis, or COPD ---hes just smoking..

and we tell this patient dont smoke, u shud quit because it is a hazard to ur health (PRIM PREVENTION--because ur promoting good health)

or is this counseling a SECONDARY prevention...becasue the fact that he smokes hes already present with mild symptoms and signs--so is considered to have mild disease...and here when we say dont smoke---we are doing secondary prevention..

can some please clarify on this?

thanks in advance

smoking counceling to treat addiction is a secondary prevention
smoking counceling to prevent ca lung COPD is a primary prevention
to prevent lung cancer--- is screening...wudnt that be secondary screen for disease...

still confused.
im still waiting...
no it is not screening
screening=do some test
yea so thats what im can smoking couseling be secondary prevention...shudnt it be primary.

lets say patient is already smoking and we tell them to quit or give them options...we are promoting good health..right..
look regarding smoking i'd say
primary prevention i'll educate people so they'll refrain from from smoking in future [say kids at schools]
secondary prevention i'll counsel smokers so they'll stop doing so [befor the complications happen]
regarding complications of smoking say ca lung it'll be a primary prevention to ca lung not to smoking

hope it helps
but in primary prevention..patient does not have the risk facter..
if they are already smoking..what ull be doing is secondary prevention...right.
yes or no??
no not necessary if i take flue vaccin i'm at risk of flue but still primary prevention
primary prevention prevent disease BEFOR it happens by any mean regardless the risk factor
same here you're preventing ca lung befor it happens by counselling in smoking

screening is a secondary prevention i'm not preventing the disease but preventing it's complications by diagnosing it early say DM screening by FBS befor diabetic nephropathy or neuropathy or other diabetic COMPLICATION happens [here i'm not preventing diabetis]

i can understand where's the misspoint in smomking
primary prevention-->prevent high school students from practicing smoking by educatuion [befor they start to smoke]
secondary orevention-->the student is already smoking i'll counsel him to stop smoking that habit
notice in this issue i speak only about SMOKING not Ca lung or COPD
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