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Full Version: Psychiatry Qs? - thrombolyser
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Pages: 1 2
A 44-year-old man presents with fears that his mathematical
abilities have been slowly sucked out of his
brain for the last 4 years. He believes an œalien force
disguised as a human being is responsible. To avoid
contacting this being, he has isolated himself in a
room in a boarding house. His wife divorced him
and left with their children. After 10 years teaching
math at a local high school, he resigned about 3 years
ago. He supports himself by œcollecting cans. His
affect is blunted. His appearance is disheveled,
unshaven, and unwashed. Which of the following is the most likely
(A) paranoid schizophrenia
(B) alcohol abuse and dependence
© major depression with psychotic features
(D) Alzheimer™s disease
(E) Huntington™s disease
Which of the following factors in this case
would favor a more positive prognosis?
(A) presence of negative symptoms
(B) late onset
© being male
(D) being divorced
(E) experience in teaching mathematics
agree b
Which of the following hypotheses is the leading
hypothesis to explain the patient™s psychotic
(A) serotonin hypothesis
(B) biogenic amine hypothesis
© acetylcholine hypothesis
(D) dopamine hypothesis
(E) gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA)
Considering the information learned thus far,
which of the following would be an appropriate
first-line treatment for this patient?
(A) thiamine
(B) olanzapine
© amitriptyline
(D) lithium carbonate
(E) fluoxetine
Pages: 1 2