hi forum members,u wont know me
i am a silent member here
my prep time was 4 months
2 months i really worked very hard
did uw ccs and q bank
listened to archers lecs for few topics in medicine,i feel it helped me.
did 50 percent kaplan q bank ,in timed mode..with 60 percentscore
u world ,i used it as a learning tool
now abt my exam,my first day was ok
but my second day was bad due to ccs,i came home with a feeling that i have to take this exam again,but my score report shows,higher performence in ccs
i took archers ccs,i hope it helped me,it gives idea abt ,how to approach a case
take it after doing uworld ccs atleast once
did you listen to archers lectures from their site or do you have "free" files available?
just wondering what your recommendation is as far as materials. Is archer review really that good? Also which qbank do you recommend for mcqs. UW? kaplan? both?
do you have files of archer review like dvd? i will pay if you are interested in selling.
thank you boardexamsftl,runningman
i listened to cardio,nephro.neuro and endocrine and preventivemed
i felt those lecs r good
i took the online archer for a month,but due to time shortage ,could finish only these topics
but if u r very strong with concepts u need not take them
i dont know if any free sites r there
i suggest u to do both,kaplan and uworld,
even though quest were vague,u world concepts were hidden in between
some questions were like kaplan.
i did MTB oncein the end,its a good book for final review
i read kaplan ck book twice .if u r fresh with ck u may not need it.
what did you score on NBME? thank you
What were your CCS cases, thanks.
please, can you write your ccs cases here.
this is really shameful...people please report these jerks to the same website ...it is fraud and twisting the fact that:
1- they are accusing respectful imgs with high score by cheating!!!
2-they have mostly earned their green card and citizenship thru fo**kn another gc holder or citizen and now they want all of them...sex+fun+ good residency slot!!!!
3-they are not amgs.....but are trying to twist the fact and count themselves as amgs with loans....cud be the loan they had to pay to earn their gc or citizenship....coz they must pay the other part to make it...some try to perform well at bed to decrease the fees though! it is a good business!!
3- this person can change , edity and manipulate ur post!!!! he/she may want to use ur info for her/his ill mind gain!!
see how shameful is it:
I am a US Citizen/US permanent resident who possesses an MD degree from a foreign country. In order to start residency training in the USA we have to sit for a series of exams called the USMLE. Once we pass, we are certified by the ECFMG and are issued an ECFMG certificate which makes us eligible to apply for residency. ECFMG certification is issued regardless of scores (passing is sufficient) , number of attempts on each exam, years since graduation from medical school etc. However when we apply to residency programs they follow the above criteria based on the USMLE transcript. While this may be okay in some people's view it inadvertently leaves US permanent residents and citizens like me out of training as most people who are hired are foreigners who are sponsored for J1 and H1B visas. There is ample evidence to show that foreign nationals that score higher on these exams do so due to inappropriate access that they have to question banks back in their countries where exam laws are much more lenient.
The reality is that getting high scores or any other criteria that these programs are using are not a good measure of a candidate competency or potential. That is why the ECFMG does not have those restrictions when issuing a certificate. The bottom-line is that if you pass the necessary exams you are deemed suitable to get into residency training. Otherwise the ECFMG should have placed extra restrictions in getting certified.
All residency programs are funded by the federal government and such funding should benefit the local citizens and permanent residents before it does foreign workers. (This is consistent with President Obama H1B restriction for TARP funded programs) However, these residency programs sponsor them for H1B and J1 visas excluding local citizens by showing irrational reasons to get around Department of labor guidelines. The result of this is thousands of qualified US Citizen and Permanent resident medical doctors being left jobless.
The hospitals argue that foreign workers are needed to serve in underserved areas in the USA. This is nothing but a mere myth since almost all of the permanent resident physicians who are currently jobless are more than willing to go to these underserved areas. Furthermore serving in an underserved area is used as a tool to gain future permanent residence (via labor certification). Once these physicians are granted their green card they leave these underserved areas to go and fulfill their own financial ambitions in big cities.
The reason for this petition is to ask the Dept of labor to follow examples set by countries like Britain and Canada where the local citizens have been placed first. No foreign doctor is allowed to be hired for training positions until the pool of local citizens are totally exhausted. They have a similar exam to the USMLE called the PLAB. Where passing is all you need to prove yourself competent. All other criteria are totally ignored. Thus the local doctors are given the highest preference which is nothing but the right thing to do. Therefore we would like the DOL to take action to preserve the rights and the jobs of US citizens and Permanent residents and not let foreign workers take away our livelihood. We request the following.
A pool of ECFMG certified candidates who are permanent residents/Citizens should be made When hospitals hire candidates they should first hire from applicants who are from this pool (regardless of scores, attempts, graduation year etc)
No foreign worker maybe hired unless this pool is totally exhausted.
Regular H1B and J1 hiring practices (reduction in recruitment) should not apply when hiring people for residency programs since these are FEDERALLY funded programs.
This is the only way to ensure that local doctors are given the jobs that they deserve.
goal: 300
sorry ...sent in wrong place...i meant the person who asks to sign here "all GC and Citizens!" is a jerk idiot and is trying ot manipulate the fact behind his/her failure!