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Full Version: thanks Obama for health care - dddd1
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do u know when would they increase the residency positions.
They only say health care, they don't care about residency, I don't know how it is effect on us? Anyone knows?
difinitely there will be increase in residency, but the number is not sure, just wait and watch.
The increase in residency is not part of this current bill, may be in futue who knows when.

once the bill is signed,insurance company cant deny patients on pre existing condition ,so patients will increase ,this in turn will lead to increase in residency ,eventhough it is not included in the bill indirectly it will effect.this is what my guess.
This current healtcare bill has nothing to do with seat increase..that's a different bill. But anyway the real change will start from 2013 and 2014 when every american has to buy health insurance else they need to pay the fine/penalty.
if you google health care reform bill and graduate medical education you will find TONS of stuff. there is a correction here, expanding medicaid funded graduate medical education IS a part of this bill. it is supposed to be implemented by 2011, or to start the process. This totally makes sense.. 46 million more americans will be covered by this bill and there is already a physician shortage. So where the hell are they going to get these doctors? That's where img's come into play.

bottom line people, keep on top of your game and dont give up if your unmatched like myself. get over your depression and move on, hone your clinical skills and better your cv through observerships and clinical research. I've tried to match unsuccesffuly for 3 years and i am not about to give up. congratulations to all that did match, you guys deserve it!

for the others, you will just have to work harder. deal with it, i know i have to. and just think of the day you will get it... it will be even more sweet. more power to the underachievers!!
The bill does not go into full effect until 2014. There are only few things that go into effect now. The residency increase is NOT 15,000 like someone on this forum thinks. It is less than 5000 and that part of the bill DID NOT pass yet and will be considered at a later time (in a "fix-it" bill).

There will be 1000's of new DO students graduating from 2011 who will be applying for MD residencies and they will get priority over any IMGs. Also, there will be increases in medical school spots and new medical schools (already 1 opened last yr in Florida and opening in 2012 are 2 more med schools in CA, 1 in NJ, etc). The top 4 Carib med schools (SGU, AUC, Ross, SABA) will also increase their slots that will benefit US born and educated citizens who will obviously have priority over any other non-US citizen IMG for residency slots.

Bottomline, IMGs will always have an uphill battle unlike in the past when many US citizens did not consider a career in Medicine because they could make more money in wall street or elsewhere. Today, especially in a weak economy many many US college grads want to enter into Medicine and that is why you see rapid growth in Carib med schools.

So the net benefit will be to the new DO students and US citizen carib grads. Only then will the IMGs get a chance. The competition WILL NOT decrease by any means for IMGs from other countries. If anything, it will be even more as the US citizens continue to consider an MD career especially due to the effect of the Great Recession that US is in today.
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