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Full Version: Requesting document back from ERSA - ataxicgaitsgirl
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I did not matched. Should I request documents back from ERAS and how to do that?
If i apply again do I have to resend everything again?
What about waived lors can I get it back?

Thank you.
1- Waived LORs will not be back, however they will be kept in the system for the next year use.
2- If you applied again, you don't have to send them again, they are already saved in the system, all what you have to do next year is buy an eras token and fill again your CAF. As a repeat applicant you will have the choice to reupload the same documents.
3-Go to oasis , eras area, click on RODS (return of documents service).
Thanks applicantguide.
If I request the documents back, will I have to summit it again?
No, they will be saved in their system for the 2011 match. Next year when you buy the new ERAS token on July 1st, they will inform you that you are a repeat applicant and you will be asked which documents you want to upload.
So not only LoRs but MSPE or even PS can be re-uploard for use next year?
PS u got to do it over again...u dint send ur PS to ECFMG did u??? but MSPE and Lors can be re uploaded from ECFMG to ERAS
can v buy token with out ecfmg certified
ya u can
Yes you can buy the eras token if you were not certified.
PS has nothing to do with RODS, you should upload it from your computer (you don't send it to ecfmg/eras for pload).