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Please take a moment to read about this important issue, and join me in signing the petition. It takes just 30 seconds, but can truly make a difference. We are trying to reach more and more signatures - please sign here and share your story

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Stupid & Timid person join here..
IF U and ur jerk frnds were qualified, u were in the residency of ur dreams by now and not here !!!! nowadays programs take the most qualified candidates, why dont you admit and change your carrier?? or shut it up and wait until all qualified candidates get in the residency of their dreams they deserve, they u may be honored a left over slot!!! no way u can make it if you dont have wht it takes! why shud federal money goes to your pocketed when you are not qualified???
do u pay for spoilt fruits or food???? of course not! why shud i as AMERICAN let a less qualified candidate get the training which dont deserve? to KILL AMERICANS? Shame on you! Get your fockkkkkin thread in another immigrants forum!
YOU MUST BE A TERRORIST WHO WANT TO KILLLLLL AMERICANS THIS WAY and that is why programs dont give you any damn!!!!
hey killy2010 , you must have landed on a wrong country first of all , here this site is certainly not for u...plz retreat.
HOW CAN WE(American...or even immigrants) make sure low qualified candidates who dont deserve get disqualification and be banned from practicing medicine?

Please dont get me wrong. My close relative was killed here due to malpractice! the physician who was in charge got what he deserved, but i am determined to make sure those JERKS who want the easy way out & get rich soon...and are not qualified be BANNED from practicing med in the US or to go under supervised training and pay for it to make up for their low score/credits! AMERICANS deserve for the best!
great stuff,,,, we are the tax payer and still jobless after being certified....
come on lets do it together
I usually stay away from such threads but since some one brought up Federal money, the fact of the matter is that US citizens and PR pay that money in payroll taxes that fund Medicaid and Medicare that in turn finds the answer to your question as to why should federal money go in my pocket as a resident physician is because I am the one funding it as a tax payer. So if the discussion is about distribution of tax money, I think taxpayers deserve the first share of any benefit that comes from it.
I dont think any qualified US doc needs to remain jobless nor do I think docs from other countries shouldnt be hired but to call anyone who wants to divert attention to plight of many well qualified docs right here in US a terrorist is absolutely unacceptable. I am a PR and will be a citizen this year and I have worked very hard to keep a roof on our head, have gone through my hubby losing his job and not having time to study or finish things in 7 year rule just so we wont lose our house and living, so I do not think there is anything wrong with PRs and citizens to ask for jobs given many who live here have to work for living with families and cant have 5 year graduation rule followed b/c guess what Life happens

So who is anyone to tell me or anyone that they need to change careers b/c life made them take other responsibilities other than the luxury of being in your moms and dads house, no bills to pay and studying.....

A doctor is more than a score esp in US. Not to mention US shortage is of PCPs mainly and how many docs from other countries give a damn about that but yes they want residencies that can lead to fellowships and specialist trainings to make big bucks, if you are telling me your heart is bleeding for rural US with no access to basic primary care....I am sorry I am very skeptical about the truth of your statement

Of course Americans deserve the best but there is no way I am willing to believe that after a residency TRAINING IT IS A TRAINING" any doc in US cannot handle patients better than any other trained doc.

So please follow your dreams but do not tell people who live here that they are useless and should not try to raise awareness about their plight

I am very lucky I have a very good job, I have a Masters degree in health admin, I have opportunity to work with CDC and UN if I choose to but I dont want to, I want to practice b/c my kids are older now, and I want to grow in what I went to school for, so just b/c I am an old grad, or dont have 99, 99 doesnt make me any less trainable than any of docs here pursuing residency. And as far as I am concerned looking at the reality of life in US the limitations of scores and time lines are just arbitrary hurdles and it takes only one PD to look at your application as a whole package and to prefer your over any score, or year of graduation.

All i know is US needs as many priamry preventive care docs as we can due to esp the new reform and foreign docs are not going to fill that gap b/c it doesnt have high dollars attached to it nor it means fancy life style of a specialist doc

Please show some humbleness at the opportunity this country is providing you while acknowledging the needs and plight of docs who have invested time and life in the communities they live in because I dont care who you are but just to make your point you dont need to spew hate speech b/c if that is all you can do you certainly are not needed in our communities with that kind of mentality.
Enough said