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Full Version: real Q - cris
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My BP is 100/58 and HR 54/min. What do you Dx and treatment?
USMLE step 2 increases HR to 120/min at first block
Hey Chris !! though i know the answer but ,since u haven't thanked me for the previous explanation i gave to i am not going to send u anymore reply..............Would that be okaySmileSmileSmile
Its a clear case of Medical Insurance defciency. Occurs in pre-rresidency medical doctors with lack of financial availibilty to afford insurance. Pt presents with cardio vascular problems, tooth decay and enemal yellowing and wardropes fossalis.

Tx is urgent hook up with a cheap health care insurance. Smile
no,no, this is not a joke,this q has a real explanation.i saw this q at one place.
oh my God, this is not a joke..........hold everything....we have a very smart girl who can neither remmeber where she saw this question nor knows what the anser is. Smile
if you wanna borrow my debrillator, you can!
no sir i know the answer and i know where i saw this Q..............
cris, u must be a cery athletic person...or u have sinus brady cardia..since u r asymptomatic u dnt need any treatment...the only treatment maybe to get out and have a breath of fresh air.....
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