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Hi every body,

I passed QE part 1 yesterday, it was tiring, 7h30 of constant concentration.

I want to share my experience with every body:

I prepared for this exam within 6 months, i started just after EECMC so many things was already fixed in mind and i had just to review them, but in more details.

I used mostly Toronto notes (TN) 3 times, i recommande it for everyone, it covers mostly all the topics asked in the exam, i read quickly the book of public health and preventive medicine in Canada written by P.Shah, because there is a lot of questions of public health in the exam, but in my experience if you do well the 2 chapter in TN: public health and ethics, you can answer to almost all the questions. I had question like who licence MD, t o whom you report the misconduct of a collegue, about if you honour the wishes of the patient who is competent even if it threaten his life, or if the family of the patient have another opinion, or if you continue your procedure if the patient give you a verbal concent only, about parents who ask you to do something for their child which may harm the child, what to do? Or your wife is bleeding from a cut in her wrist what to do: you treat her or just stop bleeding and let a collegue treat here, you are a doctor in a plane out of you licencing province and they call if there is a doctor in the plane because there is an amergency, do you declare yourself or ignore it? The role of Canada health..... there are a lot of questions like these, i also recommande to read ethics of Kaplan it ˜s more clear and helpful,

I also used materials for USMLE step 2 CK because i™m taking this exam next month, but i find there questions very different from QE1, the style and the points they insist on are very different as they insist mostly on internal medicine only, so this dosn™t help me a lot, i stopped working with CK materials 2 weeks before my exam and i focuced in doing old questions of QE 1only and review TN from time to time when i don™t understand the answer of the question,

I had a lot of question of pediatrics: AOM, IE, knee pain, eye involvement in idiopathic juvenile arthritis, child abuse,

Questions about STDs, post menauposal bleeding, PCOD, question about fetal tracing

Tension pneumothorax, arterial blood gas, macular degenerescence

I had 4 illustrations: rectal prolaps they ask what Dx: cystic fibrosis...omblical hernia in newborn what to do: observe....intraportun fetal tococardio tracing: it was variable tracing and the question was about the cause. ...

The time was very short but if you know how to manage your time you will have anough time to do all the questions, the key is to not stress, because if you stress you wont be able to concentrate and if you don™t concentrate you will be forced to read again and again the same question to understand, so when you feel deconcentrated and stressed take a deep breath and read slowly the question to understand each word, this is the key to do well in your exam, because you can™t go back and review you answers once you submit the block you have to think well before choosing your answer.

This what i did: at the first block i was stressed, and worried about the timing, i did it quickely but wasn™t sure about my answers, i finished the block 10 mn earlier, but this is not good, i™m sure i™ve missed some questions that i know the answers if i was more concentrated.

I remember 2 questions from the examples they give in their website of MCCQE part1.

The seconde part in the afternoon is 4 h length more tiring . it™s clinical case with multiple choice and sometimes they ask you to fill the blancs , there were many questions about what do you advise to the patient, i remember a mother who brings her child after he ingested couple of pills: acetaminophen and virapamil, they ask what to do for management they give you choices, then when you discharged what do you advise the mother and you have to write your answers,

There were a question about teenager obese what do you advise,

Illustration of susclavicular lymphadenopathy, what is the DX and they give you a list of Dx,

Question about dementia, AOM, question of a girl who drinks a lot yesterday in a party and has unprotected sexual intercourse come to see you what do you do,

How to treat BPCO in acute phase and after discharge

The 2nd part was more hard for me, i was tired and i wasn™t sure about my answers,

but it was easy for some who were with me in the same room, some finished 1 h earlier,

the room was cold for me, don™t forget to wear warm the day of the exam.

This is what i can tell you about my experience, but in general if you worked hard and do well TN, you will do better, just have a good rest before the exam, because you need more concentration to not loose you time,

I can give you more informations if anyone wishes, i have also materials i can send them to you for free, this is my email:

Now gys please pray for me, a lot!

Good luck for every one, and remember.... because many had succeeded and now they are in residency programs we can do so, we have just to work hard and believe on our capacities our knowledge, and that we are able, then everyone will reach his goal, inchalah.

Never give up.


Can you tell your scores? for both mccee and mccqe1
please iam preparing eecmc , and i use toronto notes and usmle 2 ck , so tell me if toronto notes is a good reference for preparation and if you have to say something about the first exam how to prepare it very well , thank you