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Full Version: is it a bad idea ? - dermtoo3
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Is it a bad idea to date with a fellow resident (PGY1 with PGY1)? how do the programs look at it? how about dating attendings?john2007 you seem opiniated on many social subjects. appreciate it,plz???
it is a good idea if she is beautiful but i don't think you will find any beautiful resident. you are not going to meet other than scary ones who need 1000 plastic surgery, start with face down to breasts ... legs and you need to remind them to trim their nails on daily bases.
oh i forgot also to mention that the residents you are going to meet don't know what waxing is, mostly their body hair is longer than yours.
abrahem: you are just a very very smart man. Finally some real men in the forum have the gut to speak about the realities of this world.

dermatoo3: i do not know what others in the program may view you. I view people who do that as AFC ( average frustarated chumb). Also, I want to warn you from Chinese residents who will have affairs with you just so you can carry the work burden and do things for them. Both a Chinese and a Philibino women told me that they raise their daughters on the dream of marrying and haveing kids with the white guy. We will usually find them in big universities in United states preying on weak frustrated chumbs. Be carefull
oh my friend orthoxray, I also forgot to mention their disgusting armpits, and the problem is that all of them talk about themselves how they are great and what souls they have and men run after them for their brains first!
Be ready you will hear these two words a lotttt: soul and brain, but not their smelly armpits.

So in summary if you want to sleep with a female resident you should take her to a bathtub and let her stay there for at least 60 minutes, then you wax all her body, leave her head, and trim her nails and then let her take a shower while you are watching her because she might cheat and just use water, then dry her well and take her to bed and tell her while you are fuking her what a great soul you haveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! and ask her while you are fuking her, do you know what I like the most about you? of course she will ask you what? tell her while you are fuking her very hard that I like your brain.

abrahem, you rock man
oh boyyyy....wht a question here!! aint knw nothin to say!!! lots of gross advise already here!! emmm....why in this world u wanna t do this?? i mean to make this risk?
generally speaking i see 2 sides:
1- if she is really in love with u=>u may eventually get in with her help...i have frnz who played the same and made it. dont get me wrong=>they did couple match...which is understood...many programs prefer couple matches...or prefer to take spouses of the residents....attending and even janitors!!!...yupoe! even janitor match helps!
2-she may use u so hard and take advantageous and mess u up...this again happened to my other poor frnd!! a prof of such and so univ made him to work like a horse and kicked his as**! both from the same country!!!dat was bad!

finally=> go wid ur heart!! BUT try to be realllllly diplomatic,gentle and polite!!! ur residency shud be ur priority in this short time to sept...u may date and date and not to like to marry nice and gentle and pray over it.... dont ruin ur residency for a woman for now! try to keep the dating alive up to March 15th...2011! Wink

from the time i matched=>many are out there and love to marry me.....things change as u may know....coz matching makes u a better husband, good lookin....handsome.......gentle..dats all abt matching=$$$!!!Sad....u can say hell to all of those gold diggers when u match!
my last 2 cents...try to Keep Your Personal Life out of Your Professional One...specially if u r not so sure to be with her.... dat way saves ur face any ways! hope for the best!
been lots of rejections for the guys of this forum
lol of course a lot of rejections!
Do you know any guy that has never been rejected other than brad pitt? And don't say that you are more beautiful than Angelina Jolie and every guy dreams about you the same way they dream about angelina!
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