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Full Version: QQQ...About our lives.........................1 - drock
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A 36-year-old man who is studying for several years walking in a mall at 12 pm. He felt his abdomen is growling with hunger. He finds a food-court in the mall full of people and food shops.
He could not take decision what to eat. What is the most delicious food he can take?

A. Biriany (rice mixed with specially prepared meat and spices)
B. Chicken wings.
C. Fresh uncooked vegetables mixed with salt, pepper and triple cheese.
D. White rice and Egg.
E. Cheese burger.
F. Burrito (Tortila enrolled rice, meat and vegetables)

confused between c and e hmmmm both,...
a or e
C???? Yack Sad
I would like to eat AAA if it were me. Leave alone the rest- sick and tired of them.

BTW, no time to go to the mall ,no time to make Biriyani at home, why do you make me envious of all the food in front of your patient, drock?
i thought der is trick so selecetd CC
Btw u have to give sm better options for vegetarians...
My guess is the 36 yr old so called patient is drock himself !
He can grab whatever he feels like !

Thanks for breaking the boredom of books and laptop ! Feel like escaping to the mall !
Hi Medipro... this is all I thinking about... I like to cook sometime... not a pro but... its a kind of mediation for myself. When I too stressed... start to cook. Even I can't do that now... for this stupid test Smile

I agree... A is the best choice !!!

@ basicq... I hate vegetables ... Eat what your tongue wants (thats why God has given us so many taste buds)... live and then die with heart attack... thats my plan Smile...
a burrito from chipotle, with the sour cream and the guacamole... cant beat that.. Smile)
lol!! i m thinking tht this was a qs for some gastritis/ulcers etc..
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