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Full Version: help about all helping soals.......... - drlavanya
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hi everyone

one more help in question.
i have lor from india but it starts from "" this is to certfy that......
some one told me it shold not be" to certfy"...................
is this true????????

what should i do?

change my lor and ask those prof. again????

pls do reply

let it be
yes, just relax. my Lor also has same starting. one of my LORs from usa also has a paragraph repeated twice. i asked the writer to correct it but no reply. so i sent it as it is.
lol @ surget2010

Good one mate!!!
para graph repeat
All LOR's job is to certify that you are known to that person and that you have worked with him and that you have all those skills.

That's a fact and PD's understand it very well. They are acceptable phrase.
thannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnks guysssssssssss

i was scared to death............i thought whole new process???????????????????

thanks a lot
i will let it be like that

good luck guys
