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All Indians gather in this thread .
The ECFMG and AAMC are conducting census and are extremely alarmed by the number of Indians applying this year.There will soon be a press conference where all these concerning issues will be addressed.
Please cooperate with them and gather in this thread.


lol, i'm definitely in
fuk off.
Please cooperate and gather here
keep this thread alive

call your forum nick state your credentials and no of friends and family members that you are going to bring after you get the residency .
A latest research paper has analysed that the fastest growing species in US hospitals next to C. Difficile.. is Indians.. strangely though is the fact that both cause leukocytosis, severe watery diarrhea and toixc mega-colon.

Its worth mentioning here that like the Spores of C.Diff, that are resistant to injury and insults, Indians are highly resistant to environmental, economical and social stresses and have the ability to move to the slums of different corners of the US where the remain dormant and can live without food, sex and sunlight until the start of September when they start sprouting to infect the health system of United States.
all C.diff please gather here.. ahahahahhaa
kudos to f_m_g ; good sense of humor Smile
I m not an indian though
LOL @fmg hahahhahahhahahha that was funny as
gues what its september

all the sunlight and sex starved indians go go attack the residency programs hahhahhaha
nieccccccccce f_m_g and bless u lol
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