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Full Version: q10 - sami2004
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A 30-year old woman comes to your office for evaluation of deep venous thrombi. Last year she developed a lower extremity venous clot. She was on oral contraceptives but has subsequently stopped. She was successfully treated with coumadin for six months. Three weeks ago she developed a femoral venous thrombosis, and now she is again treated with coumadin. Her mother died of a pulmonary embolus, and her aunt on her mother's side had a history of venous thrombosis.

All routine laboratory studies are normal, including the complete blood count, prothrombin time, activated thromboplastin time, and liver function tests. She has a test that is positive for the factor V leiden mutation by polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

What will you recommend to the patient?

(A) Coumadin for another three months
(B) Low-molecular-weight heparin for six months
© Intravenous heparin, then coumadin for six months
(D) Lifelong coumadin
(E) Inferior vena cava filter placement