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We know that if you are born in India or China it takes you long to get GC! If a person born in India subsequently becomes a European citizen, does it take as long as that? Is it dependent on your country of birth or your current citizenship? Thank you for replies
Country of birth my friend. all the forms ask you that. they also ask you whether you're citizen of any other countries so that will increase the volume of your paper works big time. GL
I really don't know why people have to talk when they don't know what they are talking about?! Some do it purely maliciously, I think!
To OP, it is always your current passport at the time of your GC application, not where you were born! They do ask for your country of birth, but it doesn't affect you if you are naturalised to a third country! I've started doing my research on these things now! Do a little bit of searching on your own! Don't rely on this forum, which is full of frustrated craps with malicious hearts!