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Full Version: Post embarrassing behaviors of IMGs during IV - drbhatti
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In fact the problem with the indians is that they plan out everyhting and in this planning they just memorize the us state name they have to utter.

By the way what makes their accent funny is the fact that they really hammer the "d" and "t" at the end of every sentence.

for example...

I wanttttttt to do residency here butttttt itttttt is very hardddddd.

please dont get offended. it is just an observation and a universal one.
I didn't get the question about dark Indians- I meant it like in not mixed with another race.

i did not understand the the need to put the word"dark" which makes no difference there but may be it is me. you could do it without the that word which makes it more racial in tone..but not a big deal.
wow everyone is god here, talking about lesser mortals...pointing out accents, colors, manners, races, nationalities...
Bah.what is this shit about Indian accent,India is one of the world`s largest and booming economy ,the president`s wife dances to India song, so i can`t see why an Indian accent should be funny.You guys over here are more american than american themselves!!
It seems like several IMGs and american borns have learnt really well the "american arrogance" and not the "american elegance".

US was different from UK/Rest of Europe in that it always welcomed the best of foreigners regardless of their cultural backgrounds.

Apparently many americans today along with recent settlers(who fancy themselves as americans) are more arrogant and intolerant than they like to admit.

poor behaviour is poor behaviour guys... there is no need to add tags to it like "dark", "black", "chinese", "Indian" etc.

i ve met poorly behaved white americans as well... although the unfortunate stereotype of such behaviour is often an immigrant.
this discussion can be fruitful
so don't get offended by the one word and let this thread continue
it would be helpful to know where are our weaknesses in manners, so we can address them

I have seen IMG's running during the tour trying to be with the resident
I have seen people on limo, getting carried away and acted like kids in a candy shop

I have seen IMGs from same country different socioeconomic class, when one acted so arrogantly towards the countryman that I got ashamed

people wearing loud make up, or jewelry
men with wrinkled shirt and tie

Respect 14hashemi14. Yes- this discussion can be fruitful. Lets use this as a guide to - what not to do during interview.
DR ?
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