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Full Version: anabolic steroid replacement in turner syndrome - padarjan
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could you please help me understand this, i'm a bit confused. mtb says give anabolic steroids but UW says don't. which one is correct. thanks alot for clarification.
anyone please.
I havent come across that particular Questions.. but I will go with UW.. its updated stuff..
MTB has lot of errors.
Turners's Syndrome
Cause of primary amenorrhea due to XO genotype;no Barr bodies

Sign /Symptoms
*Lymphadenoma : neck webbing, hand and feet
***[Turner`s has short 4th metacarpal......"knuckle knuckle dimple kunckle"
Pseudoparahypothyroidism has short 4th and 5th..."knuckle knuckle dimple dimple"]
*short stature
*Coarctation of the aorta
*juvenile external genitalia


Hormonee relacement to allow secondary sex characteristics to develop
thanks for the reply.
Different modalities of therapy are available, including low dose estrogen therapy, anabolic steroids, growth hormone alone or in combination with the above
but the uw specifically says no anabolic steroids, what do you think?
tough decision to take when you have to make a choice. But I consider UW a higher authority than myself
thanks spartans.