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Full Version: ways 2 clear debts incurred in pursuance of Resi - cruisinmle
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Just as we start our Resi this yr, one of our top priorities wud be to clear debts incurred during our stay in US and education loans etc, I believe this might avg out to around $ 30,000 to each of us over here in the forum. So we need to efficiently deal with this...How are u planning to pay it off? Will it compromise the standard of living during Resi?....Rapid clearing/pay EMIs and go easy? etc etc
if you dont gamble, dont drugs, your residency salary will be sufficient to live in during the residency in USA. It may not be steakday everyday but you will not necessaily be in debt when you finish residency.

if you have debts prior to starting the residency, you may have to start paying it back acording to your loan repayment requirments. That is that simple.

good luck.,