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I am going to post a detailed experience, but for now
(especially for people who are taking exam in April),
Please .. please don't forget to do the practice exams
from Even if your exams are jusy 2 days away
just do those questions and you will be fine.

I cant tell you enough how much it
helped me.
Good luck with there result.
Can u tell me did u have lots of questions with arrows up and down specially for the endocrine.
Also do u mean practice exam from USMLE official web side?
Yeah, USMLE Official website.

Yes, I did get up down, No change arrows, not only in endocrine but also from cardio.

There were a lot of genetic family trees but were doable. B.Science physician response questions..

Too tired now but will write more abt my experience later.
Hey, I don't mean to hijack this thread, but I took my exam about a week ago. It seemed like half of my exam consisted of up and down joke. I had up and down arrow questions pertaining to everything, including the RAAS, cortisol, bone physiology (AP, Vit D, Ca2+, Phosphate), ANP and ADH, and in terms of diseases such as diabetes insipidus and even pseudohypoparathyroidism! Take home message: watch out for arrow questions!
congrats being done with the exam,and all the best for your result
can u tell how was anatomy and neuroanatomy questions like

Hi thanks for sharing your experience =)

Did you think that goljan audio helped, if you did it?
congrats.. and all the best.. thanks for sharing ur experience
is this practice exam is FRED software? when is the appropriate time to do the test?
Yeah, I agree with handwriting. There were arrow questions in km vmax also.

OK, here you go..

Questions were not bad, mostly they were more prominent lesions that
you can figure out if you had known the basics.
CT imagings were also more identifiable, if you had some knowledge of gross anatomy.
There were many Qs on people who had head injury with Motor collision accidents.

Pancreas development
Kidney embryo
Surfactant questions
Gut rotations

There were a lot of behavioral science questions .. nude man/woman wandering on the street, unconcious
drunk people etc.personality disorder types, physician responses (tons of them), biases, study designs,
RR, Incidence,Prevalence.. W-K syndrome related Q's, Dissociative disorders..

Enzyme kinetics, (Km Vmax graphs), Enzyme deficiencies findings, pedigree analysis,
Population genetics, (chances of offspring affected etc),

NB infections causes, route etc. HBsAg serum analysis, HIV (there were a lot of HIV people in my exam),
microbial treatment, People going to different parts of U.S and getting all kinds of dimorphic fungal
infections, going for hiking, camping or eating home processed food and getting symptoms soon after.
Or having unprotected sex with more than 1 person and coming with rashes or urethral discharge.
It felt like the T lymphocytes are literally ruling the entire world. (Also all kinds of IL functions are very
important), Types of hypersensitivity (Important to differentiate).
Which one is catalase positive/negative or Cocci/Bacilli etc. Which is the virulent factor for a specific
bacteria.. kind of stuff

Women having all kinds of arthritis or facial rashes and you will have to figure out which one.
Men with skeletal deformities and heart murmurs
Nerve injury - loss of which function etc
Autoimmune marker Questions..

Endocrine questions
Almost everything is important

Heart murmur audios
ECGs ( I had 4 of them)
Cardiac function curves
Up down arrows
MI - findings + treatment options
Renal artery stenosis

Everything about alcoholics' liver
Everything about UC/Crohns
Everything about PUD

Estrogen was ruling
Everything about what happens if estro is more or less
Pre eclamsia findings
Sex linked genetic abnormalities
Prostrate problems and findings

Respiratory system
Type 2 pneumocytes
PO2 PCO2 up/down arrows
Small cell carcinoma everything is important
Oxygen dissociation curves
CO poisons

PTH/Ca/Vit D up down arrows
Urine analysis

Most of them were from what Goljan says..

Everything in the FA Pharm topic is important, especially ANS
CYto P450 + and -
Pretreated with Drug X before and after, drug X is what?.. kind of questions
drug side effects, resistance mechanisms

Guys, The difficulty level was about 7 out of 10 in my opinion. In general they were quite doable. But
there were bunch of questions which were extremely frustrating and difficult. 2 out of 7 blocks were
just crazy that I ended up marking a lot of them which I didnt even have time to go back and check.
But I reassured myself saying it must be hard for most of us.

More than anything else, it is very important to keep your cool during the exam, which I managed to
do. But in spite of that I had popped 6 tylenols within 8 hours since my head was hurting. So,
dont forget to carry them, you will need it. Try and practice sitting for more than 8 hours at home
while studying which will help your endurance during exam.

I hope this was of some help.

I don't know how I did, only my results will tell me, but I feel that just getting over
with the exam itself is such a big thing. I don't like to brood on the negatives. So, those who
have come this far with a courage to sit for the exam without giving up, you have to pat your
back for that.

I am happy to answer any questions (Bu may be in a day or two, because I am tooooo exhausted now!)

Good luck to you all.
GL...OMG 6 Tylanol....I will fall a sleep on the table...Tx again and GL..
examusmle, thank you so much for valuable info. Do you mean 138 qs from

i always think exam is harder than FRED qs. What do you think?

Good luck!! I think you will be just fine.
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