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Full Version: doctors who stutter....... - hope490
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This is U.S. who dosen't make "fun" of people who either stutter or have a disability..AS you know ,your own country make fund of ya...So you are in the rigth place in U.S.,but I am not sure if it is the rigth time...
no discrimination in ths USA
I am also mild stutterer, grad of 1993, 96/231; 99/255; CS passed first attempt, 96/226, long practice gap, no visa problem, 4 months USCE. Applied 2 times (this and last year), did not match. I think that my stuttering had an impact on my ability to match (I was specifically asked about it on two of my IV's, people mistook my stuttering for poor English or over-anxiety, none if which is the case). Also I know about one stutterer guy who could not match to IM so he had to switch to Patho more than 10 years ago. So my advice would be: take you stuttering under control as much as you can before IVs. If it is not possible to get rid of it completely, always inform interviewers that you are stutterer and need to maintain slower speech tempo because of that (same applies to Step 2 CS).
mr hotdocny:: there are many fresh graduates who did not get a match with credentials just like urs.......ur year of graduation is way old can u say that stuttering is the reason behind????and if u are sure that it is the problem then why u have been trying and participating in match why u didnt quit..........
Hey hope490, it was just friendly advice from the one stutterer to another. I obviously have flaws in my application like old GY and practice gap so these also contributed to my failure to match. I just wanted to show you the way to cope with your stuttering during IV's and Step 2 CS. It was not a recommendation to quit, you got me wrong.
hello , i have to say it was really nice to see this post . As I am a person who stutters as well. @hope490 and step3finalfrontier if you guys ever want to chat let me know at okq786. I always look forward to getting to know other medical professionals with this impediment.
In US people donot make fun infront of your face but behind your back they always crak jokes,My friend has shaky hand he is almost finishing residency in Psychiatry,lot of staff made jokes because of his shaky hands.
Hi. I am a stutterer and I have been applying for residency for the last couple of years with no luck. I have passed all my exams. I started this process of taking the exams with a group of people. We are all IMGs. Most of the people of that group who passed the exams got into a residency except me. In fact, 2 of them got into residency without having passed step 3 and with worse scores than mine. You don't have to be a genius to figure out that I am being discriminated against because of my stuttering. I will apply again the next season. At this point I have nothing to lose but I can tell you that it has been really discouraging for me to go through all this process to be left aside. I know that there are many factors that can affect you getting into residency and I have come to understand that good communications skills is one of them. I want to emphasize that I don't think my stuttering is too bad. I can achieve a great degree of fluency but there are situations where my stuttering comes out: interviews, public speaking, reading out loud, talking on the phone. I think that what is affecting my the most is on the interviews because I don't have time to relax so the program director sees me stuttering and he/she might think that I am always like that. Although I have this problem I won't despair and I will keep applying. I know that my opportunity will come. If you have any advice I am all ears/eyes. Thanks for reading.
take some alcohol
Qwery, that is poor advice. Alcohol will only show you as a drunk stutterer. And that is worse that just being a stutterer.
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