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most useful test to evaluate renal function in congestive heart failure is
c-filtration load
d-plasma creatinine
Raheem you question are always tricky and chalenging.
I will try to think . probably I will get it wrong but I will try anyway.
you want to evaluate renal function in heart failure, means I assume that the intrinsec kidney function is intact ( filtration absorbtion and secretion)
means the creatinine level even if it will be increased , that is not because of kidney prob but essencially because of decresed kidney blood flow (heart failure = decreased EF).
I think it is FF.
because if kidney is intact it will sense the decresed in volume and will react to maintian the FF by constricting efferent .
can you explain Raheem please.
very good...borderline Smile...A..
could you please explain more why A is the answer.TY
Thank you raheem .
we are lucky questions like yours are rare in the exam .