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Full Version: NBME 11 block 3 q 1 to 50 - maryam2009
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Is that confirmed from the real test for q25?

Steroid-induced osteoporosis (SIOP) is osteoporosis arising due to use of glucocorticoids
Mechanisms of SIOP include:

Direct inhibition of osteoblast function
Direct enhancement of bone resorption
Inhibition of gastrointestinal calcium absorption
Increased urine calcium loss
Inhibition of sex steroids
to add for Q 4

The concept they are testing is if a disease has a high heterozygote frequency then the chances of a female carrier and a male carrier meeting are higher, and thus chances of having a child with a recessive disorder in a family where none of the grandparents had a disease are also higher.

posted by genewalking

It is referring to the particular gene frequency in the population. For example, the gene frequency for cystic fibrosis is high in Caucasians.

posted by psychmledr -

28.DD for sure
Q 47 B Brother, if the new born Male low threshold mean more susceptible to have the disease it's tricky Q

Males are more commonly affected than females, with firstborn males affected about four times as often, and there is a genetic predisposition for the disease.[2] It is commonly associated with people of Jewish ancestry, and has multifactorial inheritance patterns.[3] Pyloric stenosis is more common in whites than Hispanics, African Americans, or Asians.
Q 35.I think the answer should be FF.
The lady has a hx of renal insufficiency which knocks out her 1,25-dihydroxy production ability.This automatically means that there is decreased ca and phosphate absorption from the intestine and decreased release of phos from bone......>hypocalcemia,hypophosphatemia, and increased PTH prod.
FA pg 288
Iam confuse abou Q37.E or C because i choose E anyone can please confirm which one is correct.

African American more suseptible for sickle cell anemia =asplenia= infection with capsular microorganism ...........>N.meningitidis.
The patient could get the N.menigitis due to the asplania , after initiation of treatment the patient must get better ,but as you see after 12 hours of antibiotic initiation,the blood cultures shows "bacterial growing" we should think about the complement deficiency....C

In addition, complement component-deficient population frequently experience frequent meningococcal disease, since their immune response to natural infection may be less complete than that of complement none-deficient persons.

Individuals with OPSI are most commonly treated with antibiotics and supportive care


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