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Full Version: Mixed feelings - overcomer11
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Waiting for my score with mixed feelings. I hope i do well.....
best of luck!!!
Thank you so much kukolka....i will let you know the good news soon...
May GOD bless you with a good score...
At least you finished the test I am waiting to do my test on June 24........

Any advises ..... pleaseeeeeesesseseses....

I am doing Uworld now and finished with first reading of overall correct of 69% .... do you think this is good......

Please advise

Wish u the best, just pray and leave the rest to God
Thanks haval n successful_steps....69% uworld first time is a great score...mine was 60%...just keep revising special attention to the next best step in management...some of the stem are long but at the same time not difficult...all the best
Thanks overcomer11 this is a very good advise.

Did you get your score today??? Hope you got 99 and jumping all over the place by now......
thanks haval, should get it on 15th or 22nd...hoping to jump like you said....
did you get your results yet????