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Full Version: To Applicantguide, regarding pathology - abdo00
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Thank you for the wonderful help in this forum, you are really an angel. What are the requirements for pathology programs in general and can I get into it as IMG. And if so to how many pathology programs we have to apply to increase our chances?
Pathology is very IMG friendly, about 40% of positions go to IMGs (of which about 60% need visa). Last year I had about 35 applicants matched to pathology. The programs are in my pathology list in my website. As my experience with those applicants who matched last year and before, some of them did IM or pathology residency back home. Few of them did externships in unrelated departments but most of them worked on research od patho-clinical publication during their externships. Many of these applicants did observerships in pathology departments and got US LORs. Year of graduation was not impacting the chances especially those who have minimally interrupted clinical experience. Bottom line Apply to all the IMG friendly programs in my list to esure that you will get any potential interview.
Thank you applicantguide for this awesome review and detailed info, I highly appreciate your response and the time you sacrify for us. am definitly gonna apply to all the programs you mentioned in your IMG friendly list and am thinking also to get the IM list as a back up. Allah bess you, ameen.
thank you, God bless you too.