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Hi,Applicatguide tthanks again for your help and commitment to form!

I had 3 attempt for step1 and passed with 76 and passed step2 first attempt 84 and pass cs first attempt. and I am very old graduate,(40 years old) I know ...... I am the worst in this forum ! it is very hard to write this ,but, what can I do!!!!
I am a US citize,working here from 2008 so I had been away from practice since then, no US clinical experience ,where ever I call to do observative nobody care to answer me ! or I had been too late to join their program !!!
I have two LOR from last year and nothing new because I can't leave my job .single mother of 3 child and and everything is crashing whith this economy
please help me what shall I do? I need this so bad I know all this sound a disaster to whomever read this but believe me or not I work so hard to achieve even this!!!

do your friendly list can help me to find hospital that year of graduation and attempt is not consider I don't want to do blindly like last year please be frank !

again appreciate for your commitment to this fourm.
Hi, am sorry to about your situation. You have only one choice, apply widely to as much as programs you can afford, this will tell you if you have hope anywhere in any program. I don't mention any criteria in my lists but my lists contain all the programs where IMGs were interviewing including those with low scores and old graduates.
I will keep you in my prayers.