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Mutaz - mutaz66

Finally guys I took the exam.
My experience was not different from the previous notes written by the folks who took the exam.
Most of the questions were Medicine I would say 60-65%.
The Qs were very long I would say the only that came close to their length was Kaplan's simulated exam Cd.
By the way there were no Qs about rare or fancy syndromes,most of the Qs were about common topics. I had few OBG Qs may be 15. Surgey was also there mostly trauma cases and few General Surgery Qs, I felt that Surgery was pretty straightforward maybe because it was cleverly covered in Kaplan's surgery book.
I had many Peads. Qs but most of them were easy mostly easy and covered the big topics.
Many Psychiatry Qs were vague and twisted but felt that Blue Print Psychiatry was OK.I had very few Qs in Epidemology and Stat no calculations were required just understand the principles.There were many Qs regarding screening of normal people. few Qs about mechanism of the common diseases. I forgot to mention that OBG Qs were alright and same thing for the very few Derma Qs I got. I got flustered by some of the Opthalmology Qs and by a couple of Geriatrics Qs so please try to know whats normal for people > 80yrs.
Medicine: lots of cardio,Resp,Endocrine,Gi and integration Qs mostly lengthy Qs,forgot to mention infectious dz were heavily tested, Nephrolgy esp. electrolytes were there in every block and some of them were really tough.Got V. few Qs on ethics and the onlything I could do guess,mark and go on.
Got few easy pictures one EKG one Ct chest and a cople of Xrays.
Now that I took the exam I would to give you my idea about the books and MCQs:
Surgery Kaplan and only Kaplan.
Peads: Kaplan is more than enough unfotunetaly got late so I studied from BluePrints which is OK but time consuming and filled with unnecesary details{look @ their cardio section.
OBG: Again I read Blue Prints but Iam 100% sure that anybody would have answered most of the Qs by reading the shortest available OBG book.
Psychiatry: studied blueprints which was OK and good because itis short and to the point.
Medicine:Reviewed the Blue Print book which was good but not enough,I looked @ Kaplans book and it also looks good. Know the big topics well OK!
I had a brief period of paranoia during the exam hehehe
I felt I did v. good in the fourth Block and when I started the fifth block I felt that it was suicidal! believe me I could answer none of the first 5Qs on that blocked, thats when my paranoia kicked in[could this be adaptive?!],of course I know itis not but Iguess it was paranoia due to acute stress reaction.
Best is Qbank.
Lengthwise Kaplan simulated exam is v. good.
Don't waste your time on NMS unless you have nothing better to do, some people advocate it for the explanations but beleive me if you spend that time revising your basic books you will not regret it.
Scores: Did the Qbank 2and half months ago Ist time average score was 84% 2nd time 1/12 ago 91%.
Simulated exam Ist time 3/52 ago scored 83%.
Now I have to start studying for step1 and if you guys would kindly tell me the best books for step1 I would be gratefull.
Thanks to all and if you have Qs please donot hesitate to post them.
Wish me luck.

Follow Ups:


thanks for the USMLE insight. lots of luck on your next exams.
Parsa - nahmadpour

I appreciate your sharing experience regarding Step 2 with us.
I took my Step1 recently and I just got my score.
I believe Kaplan and it's Qbook were good but not enough. I recommend that everybody look at the basic books before reading Kaplan. Basic books like: Biochemistery of Lippincot which is wonderful, Anatomy of Snell, Micobiology of Jawets.
Pharmacology of Kaplan is ok and covers everything if you already know all the basic principles. Kaplan neuroanatomy is enough too. Put enough pressure on biochemistry: first study Lippincott and then Kaplan biochemistry. I also recommend BRS physiology.
Take care and good luck.
PS: do you think reading Cecil Essential of Internal Medicine covers major of questions of Step 2 in Med?
Mutaz - mutaz66

I have no idea about Cecil, never even looked at it.
Thanks and good luck.
Wester - brightwe66

I am very grateful of sharing your experience on Step2. Could you please let me how to prepare for Neurology and preventive med? what are some good review books? The blueprint book for neurology is too time-consuming. I do not know how many Qs you encountered for neurology or preventive med?
Thanks for your help!
Good luck for your step1.
Mutaz - mutaz66

Neurology: First Aid for step2 + neurology section in Kaplan's notes or Under Ground Clinical Vingets for step2 Neurology(UCV).
Preventive Medicine: If you are studying from Kaplan's Notes you will find it embedded throughout Kaplan's Medicne book.
Thanks and good luck.
mbp - roadrocket007

hello to everybody:

Your step 2 experience is very useful for those who haven't taken the exam yet, and thanks for taking the time to share this experience.
I just took my step 2 aswell, and i probably had the same format and topics examined, i can't match your details so i will just reassure what you said. My advice to those who are waiting to take it is: READ FAST !!!!! and don't waste your time on questions which are too difficult, as you might need it for those that you probably already know the answer. Difficulty level is probably fair, but the epistole they throw in for each case is kinda l o n g ...!
just make sure you know your stuff and dont try to solve impossible answers with more than the time that you have planned to spend in each question, time is precious here!!
best luck to all of u!

Mutaz - mutaz66

Just wanted to wish you the best of luck.

Thanx so much for sharing how your Step 2 went. Your account sheds light on so many dark uncertain areas of this dreaded exam. I'm sure many ppl will beneift from it, like I did.

thanks for sharing your i am preparing for will be very helpful......i got a 96 on step 1 so i would like to say that i studied all the A category books from first aid for step 1 also also kaplan lecture lots of questions from various books......i took my time as i was very inconfident about it.....hope that will be of some help...good luck...
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