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Full Version: My prep for the day !! - usres12
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ooohhh so tired...takin rest of day off...keep studyin guys!
hey guys i have improved in immuno !! i got 75% in a new block of quest. immuno was my weak area i got 48% in a block of quest 10 days back at that time my mind was blank while ans quest couldnt correlate so i read kaplan line by line memorizing & revising & though it took 7-10days i have improved now in a new set of quest i got 80% & now 75 %.

will update again later
struggling with limbic syst .. but am totally burnt out .. onle cerebral cortex left .. but nothing is going into my cortex now .. taking a break .. a long one..
hey what happened to everyone???
back fm break . but my knee is paining so badly .. sitting too much is really bad ..

starting cortex but am so tired ..lets see how long i last ..
i did only half of my goal ....iam realy slow today ,,,,,,,,,

i think its time to say goodnite

i did 50 pgs yest .. only 20 today .. my minds not been working since 4 pm .. and i wasted time in the morn cos i freaked out d/t the reistration thing .. truth is i cant really do anything about it .. so leave it.. i m not gonna die of it ..

didnt complete my goal today .. really disappointed .. was planning to finish 50 uw qs tom .. but i havent even finished neuro anat .. i m a waste .. now i ll ve only 2 ds for behav .. which is not possible .. really disappointed .. going to sleep .. will try to wake up early..
Going for a medical camp in a village compulsory for interns will start renal by eve and finish the notes today
good night ,,i didnt do my goal ,,i will do it tomorrow ,,,,,,,,,,,
good morn.. trying to catch up where i left yest..