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good morning guys..
I didn't do anything these days..but started today again..@ dr_raw..keep going and reveive again and again...
@owlcity ..i have a question are you studing first read or 2nd ??

good luck every one and be positive and strung...and read these 2 sentences..I Loved of our friend wrote these in this forum and I copy that..

Believe in yourself and you'll fly high ~♥~ It doesn't matter what people say, and it doesn't matter how long it takes. It only matters how true you are, be true to yourself and follow your heart.

A STRONG and POSITIVE ATTITUDE creates more MIRACLES than any other thing bcoz,
LIFE is 10% how u make it

..still study physiology Sad((((((
good luck every one


@there is no body here ,,thas not good ,,come on every body start studing .........

@its 11 am i left some page behind yesterday.. today i should do it and start my goal........

@fatemeh ,,,,,,good one ,,thanks

@owcity ....i hope both of us reach our goal today ..........

happy studing friendsssssssssssss

hey is everyone on weekend vacation ??

glad to see u on tract ..
am doing my sec read .. iwas thinking of doing nbme before that but i was trying some qs on my ipad 300 free kap qs .. and i saw that i didnt remember anything in behav and anat ..( cos i was planning to skip both in the second read) .. so i couldnt answer them ,, and then i thought it was not ta good idea to give an nbme so unprepared ,, didnt wanna get depresed .. but i ll be giving in a week or so .. if i dont go so slow ..

ur words are so soothing and encouraging.... i really beleive in miracles .. i ve seen it work .. but ya , wherever i saw .. it was not without a sincere effort .. like they say .. its 90% hard work and 10% luck ..

been cleaning and cooking .. so i dint finish neuro till now .. i ll update only when i m done with it ,,

@intern1 ..

are u in india .. how was ur camp .. i ve been to a lot of village camps back in india .. north , south ,west ..
@vena , i ll check u up at 3 pm .. u better be done with ur 3pm goal ..

@usmle2177 , dr-raw, usres12, carpidem , @cilastin, @imgpak .. where are u guys ..
hey all i here..doing the form i did yesterday and making myself oriented with each question and finiding where i missed the buzzword..its so surprising i found so many questions i knew but couldnt understand...

intern1..i was in the same situation like u last year...2 months in the village with community medicine!! and also at a camp..but we had soo much fun!! miss all my friends at buddy enjoy your internship days..they are the best part of medschool!!
@vena .. where ve u reached ..

am done with neuro atlast .. went out for a walk ..its beautiful outside today .. the trees ve started blossoming so early .. .. cant beleive it ..but felt so happy to see it .. hmm good days are not far off . ,,

taking a break

will start uw qs after an hr .. i m exactly one week back behind my last (100 times modified) schedule.. no days left for behav ,,
@owlcity ....i did what i left yesterday and too break to eat lunch and will start todays sechedule ........
where do u live ??/how trees start blossoming ??????i love that moment lollllllllllllllllllll
hey guys , i woke up late today & then from there thinmking i will start now but busy with other work as my husband is off today & tomorrow . now its 2pm & we both started to study in different rooms.
i did uw musculoskeletal yesterday & didnt score well & i noticed the quest i got wrong where do to 1 derma pic identification & 2 only in golgen & 1r2 no where in the books that we read & also few from other chapters like cvs which i didnt prepare. did any of u have a similar issue

im in new orleans so the weather here is always sunny except a little windy at times

Happy study all !!!
wow , it must be nice to stay at a place like that .. i m planning to apply for residency in some nice climate like CA .. dont want to be freezing in the NE area , doing residensy in such a weather scares me .. i has some of the worst experiences .. but thats wishful thinking ,, i lltake anything where i get!!!

i just finished 41 qs of neuro .. got only 68.. was feeling happy in the first 20-25 qs .. and then i got a long series of red crosses . taking a break again..

will start reading the explanations .. i hate this CBTs .. i get such a big headache with this screen .. dont know wat i ll do near my exams ..
@vena ,

i m in delaware, thats near philly ,
, planning to go for the spring blossoms in washington again .. was beautiful last yr ..