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@carpediem1: Goood luck on finish renal pharm! Smile

@dr_raw: I'm still working on respiratory! Going a little behind schedule, but it's better than rushing it and not doing the review properly. I'm just going through this for the second time now. I have yet to pick a date, just waiting for everything to get confirmed. How's your studying going? What's your stage of preparation?

@usmle2177: Sorry I meant to say anatomy and physio of respiratory! haha, I am referring to my notes and going through FA so I can't go too fast. Good luck on your studying! I tend to get a little tired when I study after I eat, so hopefully you have more energy than I do at this time! Smile

Back to respiratory!
Finally done respiratory anatomy and physiology, now onto pathology! I give it 2 hours.

dont worry dear .. time tells u everything .. and when the time comes , it brings out the best in us ( sometimes the worse too.. lol !!) when i first started prep .. i was so terrified abouth the 8 hr .. i told my husb and he got angry .. he said u are not even trying and u already think u cant do it .. i laugh now remebering the old me .. its still not gonna be easy , but i m not scared of it now .. i thought i ll never evr evr be able to do it ..

@kawasaki baby was a good boy .. it kinda helped me ..

@mutation ..

welcome .. are u doing fa .. how s ur prep going on ?

went out for a walk and soaked a bit of sunshine in the park ,, felt so good .. didnt feel like coming back inside .. the flowers are blooming and the tulips ve come out with new shoots .. cant wait for exams to be done .. so many things to do ..

my guest are arriving this weekend .. i better finish my fa b4 that .. plus we booked our flight tickest for my husb wedding ,, so i ve gotta dead line now .. hope i finuish it atleast b4 april ends ..

when is ur eligibility period ending ..
@owl this weekend i am also little busy going to ny ... yeah !!!!! cant wait to see my little daughter
check ur sentence what u typed , flt ticket for who's wedding ??? lol !!

whoops that was just an awesome mistake i made .. its my husb s best frens wedding ,, hmm .. i m going crazy i guess .. i just canhelp laughing over mmyself!! my husbands weddding indeed .. !!

have a nice time with ur little one .. and give her lots of love fm mummy s frens .. i just love little girls so badly .. they are just so sweet and cute ..irresistible..
@carpediem ..yes this snow seem to be heavy ..i didnt see snow like that before as in our country there aws no snow for a long time ago ...and i love to cook every now and then ...yes its taking time .....
@mutation,,,iam back but after 2hr ..lolll
@raw..i made a zuccini with potato and tomato together and made sawar(like rice but made from weat)
@2177,,,yea when we was kid it was most beatiful thing and now still love to go and play with it but now we are adult and have tun of studing and home work to do time for playing ,,,,,,
whereis owl ??did i miss his post or she is not here
oh ,,owl ,,i was on that msg for 2 hr and i didnt saw ur post ....iam jelouse about ur nice weather.........happy for u
ok done with renal pharm, took a break & now have to start reproductive pharm.

@raw: so easy to lose track of time, days, maybe even weeks...hahaa

@owl: i did think about ur q & i'm also not sure myself. u have dec gp1b which causes defect in platelet to collagen adhesion inc bt, not sure why u get dec pc. that's a nice mnemonics link, will go thru it, do u find them good/helpful? some of ur mnemonics for the lymphomas were pretty good, dont think i'll forget them now

@2177: i try to take one day off a week if i study properly the rest of the days but that doesnt seem to happen on a regular basis...ooohh i know what u mean, that tension hits me bad 1-2 weeks before exam. its almost something u cant even control, its automatic. exam is a test of nerves as well as knowledge, u can have good knowledge but if u cant control ur anxiety on exam day, it really messes things up. it's like all that time u put into studying & the day of the exam r equally exam day = months/yrs of studying in importance, if not more impt. step 1 is an 8 hr exam (including ~ 1 hr break time) & step 2 is 9 hrs (again 1 hr break time). the exam is a test of endurance, concentration & being calm. if u have the knowledge + these three things, i think u can do very well on the exam. i'm the anxious type so i couldn't sleep the night before my exam. and i didnt expect that to happen cuz when i was studying i slept fine. but now i know so for this exam i'll try something different. i took breaks during my exam, took starbucks coffee (double shot), i think redbull, gatorade, banana, rice krispie bars. anything to keep my energy levels up....after the exam u will feel absolutely drained.

k back to the books

@mutation: keep going, u r doing well Smile

@owl: its beautiful & sunny here in texas really doesnt get that cold even in the winter here. i do kinda miss spring though, we dont really have seasons the same way as up in the north. please continue to share pics like kawasaki boy etc, i think it helps remembering it when i visualize it. yeah i have my sis engagement to attend in philly i think in april too so would like to be done by then. plus my hubby is taking step 3 mid april so wants me to take my step 1 along with him. and our anniversary is in march so we wanna go somewhere nice atleast in april.
@owlcity: thanks for welcoming! Smile My preparation is going well. Getting anxiety about finishing it off, which is a good thing because it keeps external distraction away. Can't wait to get this over with! How's your preparation going? You have a fun weekend ahead of you, so it's a good motivation to make sure you get your work done!

@usmle2177: That's amazing, you have something to look forward this weekend as well! I am so amazed at how everyone that is studying for this exam with families are doing such a good job. Hats off to you all!

@vena86: I'm glad you finished what you wanted. It's better to take more time and actually understand what you're doing. So keep it up! Smile

@carpediem1: Good luck with repro pharm! Hope it goes well! What are you using to do pharm? FA?

I just finished my respiratory pathology, going to take a little break, to possibly wash and freshen up, and then respiratory pharm!