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finished hemat path , starting pharm section ..

@carpedem ..
i got stuck in texas airport for 3 hrs inisde the flight d/t a storm , 2 yrs back on my way to CA, and i started fm PHLY where i had a starting 1 hr stuck up d/t the same storm ( as soon as we were about to take off) i ll never forget that journey .. on my way back fm CA , i landed in NJ to catch a flight to phly..i didnt sleeep the whole fight and i missed my phily flight cos i slept off rt in front of the boarding gate while waiting for the flight boarding .. i didnt beleive my eyes when i woke up and saw that the flight had gone .. and i slept so deep i guess that i didnt even hear the announcement .. and now i can hardly sleep d/t this exam ..

try the barone ones , they are really good mnemonics


i love cooking too .. just cant wait to try all my new recipies .. which my husb is really scared about , cos he s the only one i can experiment on!!
hey guys...this thread got a facelift or something ?? so full of energy Smile

i went out for a walk too...just came back and now starting with lecture 2..

guys i have a question...a silly one...but if someone knows it kindly it allowed to have babies during your residency (of course if u are a girl) i was just can u take a month off for maternity...??

i wasted time some time a wk back googling on the same thing .. yes u can , some program directors give u maternity leaves ( esp paeds , gynae etc ) some u ve to talk about before begin .. i ll send u the link if i ve it .. but u ll find it if u google ..
hey thanks owl... Smile good to know i wasn't the only one thinkin over it!!

my eligibility ends on 31st of march and its freakin me out..!!

mutation: ive done 3 readings of fa..two times time goljan..finished uw now doing second round...and dit
Q name a bacteria which causes AV nodal heart block?

(no peeking Smile
Borellia burgdorferi!
Yay !! u nailed it
@carpi since u have finished 2 exams u might feel confident that u can get thru this compared to those who didnt take any exams right ? but still each exam has its own stress.
did u take any nbme ? where did u take ur cs exam in houston r philly ? as i heard philly is anti img .

@raw since i didnt read micro in detail now a days i remember gram +ve bacteria effect the heart.. is it stap aures or strepo ? is it streptococci pyogenes ?

where did u get the idea u cannot have babies in residency ?? i heard alot of resident esp in IM filled with pregnant ladies & also other speciality but i think the one u have to be careful is when u get into radiology or radiation oncology any thing related to radiation
I'm back from my break and shower and ready to get at this for the night!

Just going to review the respiratory drugs and then do some questions.

@dr_raw: You've been through the material plenty of times, so I'm sure you're ready to do amazing on this exam! Smile Just take the NBME, and if you're happy with the score then, go for it! Otherwise, you can still extend your eligibility period. Better to make sure you do well on this exam, than regret it later.

Until the next post, good luck, everyone! Smile