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@raw and sunshine i wish i could take my nbme or exams rt now .. kinda lost my flow last few ds and i am getting bored .. plus too tensed of the time lost that i m not able to assimilate anything i m reading .. but i m just going on cos something is better than nothing

i plan to give my nbme in a few ds .. raw .. wat do u suggest which one i shd give hair stands on its ends evrytime u ask me when i m giving my nbme .. am so scared to face reality but i know i shouldnt delay more ..

2vena .. do call the ecfmg and ask why they rejected before u send in another application .. and send only the papers they ask for ..
am fine .. i went to the doc yest just for some follow up .. am completely fit and fine .. except for the mental status ..
@2177-you really made me laugh by writing this "call ecfmg & ask they will help u . There are very nice & sweet people but wonder why they make this exam soo tough ??? Lol...."

i wish if exams were a bit easier.
sunshine: for me this month is it!!!!! probably last week of this month...
i saw you posted a question on how much score to get on step1 for derma..i just wanna say dear nothing is impossible...i wanna go into surgery ...yeah another biggi...but if u wanna try nothing can stop you....but it might take some scores matter but not the most..contacts matter...your experience matter as i guess if u get decent scores and good clinical experience...maybe research in derm field ...observership in derm field...any kind of experience..grab it..if u wanna get a residency in a hospital near u..try making contacts there..make sure people know u..i think all these thins should help but not an expert just trying to be optimistic!!
owl start with the lowest one but go with an online version..i dont believe in offline they cannot help assess u...yeah im just so done wit this FU!@&@( test too..when are u planning on taking remember i was supposed to be done in december and u in february...hahahahaha: HUMOUR defense mechanism
@thanks @owl @2177...for ur suggesions ..
owl..iam happy your fine ,,,wish u good health ,,,our mental state willnever be in agood position ,,,loll
good luck raw.
Thanks for suggestions.
@ raw one question how many months back you applied for the eligibilty period for the exam .
@ owl-i have sent you an email Smile
Before starting gram -ve org revised gram + org of yest & now concentration became less active & lib is getting cold ..
UW said to read there quest 2x & there explanations 3 x & they guarantee not only pass but a highest score . Did u all do that ? Just checking
They also said they believe more on the quality of quest then the no. Of quest done so that's why doing the above of all the 2011 quest ( I think ) will guarantee a high score
@usmle 2177 -what do u mean by 2011 questions?
is there some new addition to u world as 2011 year questions?
2177....thanks for infor...did thereis 2011 uw ???
@Sunshine I meant UW questions , they have above 2000 quest , I remembered the total quest as 2011 questions not sure if its more then that r less but it is definitely more than 2000 .
I read there introduction before a lot of times it makes me comfortable with my prep other then jumping to diff qbanks