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Full Version: My prep for the day !! - usres12
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finished FA reproductive

now will review a block and then conclude!
Yes guys iam done and only took more 10 mint to fimish my goal
@owl..thank u ..domt be sorry when u told its 9 made me more actve

2 hrs gone for onto more explanations. it's too bad u guys sleep early...i'm 2 hrs behind EST...

@owl: yes i saw ur post abt bacillus & transformation. nice story.
hey carpe I'm hang in..solving a block !! keep going..what's the time there?

ok'm 2 hrs behind EST so 9 pm
hey gonna enter into march 8th soon Smile how's it goin?
am still stuck on q.25...halfway thru the block!!

hey...u've already entered Smile my q explanations r taking so long & r so energy draining
keep posting, will be up
hi,sorry did not update in day time.i did revision of pharmacodynamics,ans and cvs today.
will continue with CNS reading now.
@owl-its a nice story.
@raw -you are doing great .just be relaxed .see that evrything will help you reach your goal.
even i will be up for 2-3 hrs more.
just did sedatives and feeling so drowsy.
but i will continue for some more time.
Gm ferns. Going to finish fa before lunch