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Full Version: My prep for the day !! - usres12
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goodmorning Smile
sorry vena i went to sleep so early yesterday..its like suddenly my eyes droop

starting day 15 at last...need to finish before 5 today as some guests are coming for dinner...

am having such a bad bodyache today .. loks like i worked out too much after a long break of gym ..

doing a block of uw ..
finished one block .. will review in the afternoon .. taking break for breakfast .. will start fa after break ..
done with first video..and took a walk outside...guys dont be fooled with the bright sunny day out...i was bluffed and when i went out..5 minutes later...brrrrrr

starting second video!!
Hey guys I am to lib early as my baby was still asleep . Didn't study since 2 today's . Will start psychiatry witch I said will start 2 days ago I read it before along time ago but didn't like it in FA how do u guys feel about it ?

@ raw the weather here is warm & good but still need a jacket . So how r u feeling as ur exam is comming soon
@owl did u check ur NBME ans I asked before r I will send it to u

Hi vena & others

Happy studying all
its 8.40am at my place.had my breakfast.
My plan is to do 3 topics of CNS before 12 pm.
and then revision of CVS from 2 to 5.
between 7pm to 12pm (hubby Time) as time permits will complete CNS with its questions.
Hope everyone studying well .
Hey all where is everyone ?

I psychiatry drugs , substance abuse & some notes about schizophrine & it's type . Will read the rest in FA now
good morning

guys ,,still with anatomy .......iam depressed i didnt study well this days ....

hi @2177,,,wish u a happy day

@sunshine ...last night i left studing and start watching a funny movie ,,,what a bad habbit ..
hi ya'll

2177: lol the feeling is not good...but better than feeling will be decided by an nbme... Smile

still at 2nd video!! it did get warm out..i guess it was the morning thing!!

so wher's vena ?
hi ya'll

2177: lol the feeling is not good...but better than feeling will be decided by an nbme... Smile

still at 2nd video!! it did get warm out..i guess it was the morning thing!!

so wher's vena ?