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Full Version: My prep for the day !! - usres12
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Hi All,
I'm so sick of studying.But still hv to.Even my hubby's threshold is being reached right now.I'm so terrified,my slot will expire soon ,but I know I'm not ready yet.
I;m gaining so much weight with this depression.hw many hrs are you guys able to manage.I'm trying my level best to do more than 5 but it isnt happening at all ,n only 3 hrs on avg which I kno is not at all enough,All I hv to do is just sit tight and study but unable to do it.Hru guys able to keep up the motivation???
Drraw: when ru planning for ur exam?
I'm doing so much timepass on fb ,netflix,iphne games,watching all hindi n telugu movies.OMG hw can I just control myself??
hey guys...hope everyone is doing down with cold , sore throat and fever...both of us...!! so one advice...take care of yourself and protect from cold..

@owlcity and usres12: i havent picked my date this time after extending my eligibility period which now will expire in march...but im really hoping to take the test by end of january or feb 1st week...i think i work better under a little stress..but when i did one nbme and did not do well it really threw my motivation and confidence out of the for two weeks now(especially with the holiday and now being sick) i havent been on track properly..but hoping to get back on track in one or two days..

yeah i feel bad for my husband...he's the sweetest guy and coping with my prep...he loves to go out and stuff but has been sacrificing a lot lately cos of me.. he often says that he cant wait for my test to be over more than i keep doing sweet things for him/her while doing your prep...its really important if u do that so they know that u haven't completely forgotten about them..

i really wish i had the environment around me to keep me motivating..trying to find people who are prepping like me nearby but its so hard coming from a different country..anyways...

hope everyone had a great christmas...
@usres12: deactivate your USMLE Forum account right now!!
dr-raw is right .. i deactivated it a yr agao .. not only face book but everything thing of that sort .. like i totally disappeared fm this world .. just keep in touch with a few frens whom i call true frens .. i was tired of answering people what i am doin .. where i am practicing .. plus i use to get a lot of distractions with face book .. use to waste long hrs on it .. had many temptation to open it .. but not anymore .. finally learned to control myself ..this forum is the only place i find my solace . inspiration .. motivation .. and nice frens who understand eaach other ..
dont waste ur time . i d always say that .. i feel i ve wasted 2 yrs and that really haunts .. so every morn as soon as i open my eyes .. it automatically comes to my mind .. i ve wasted 2 yrs .. everyone thinks i m a duffer .. i ve gotta get over this .. so brace urself and start slogging ..

@dr-raw ..

hope u are doing better now .. i wasted a lot of time this mth going to the docs office .. but u cant help that .. take care
i know how u feel .. i feel the same thing about my husband .. he never goes out anywhere except to do the groceries ,,, and he cleans and cooks for us .. i d feel so guilty if i didnt get a good score after all that he s doing .. but thats what we are for .. to help each other in tough times .. maybe some day i can do the same for him .

.i use to feel the same that there s a no one to compete with and feel motivated ..but now i always think .. i ve to answer myself leave alone anyone else ..

i did just 10 pgs fm morn .. got too stressed out not been sleeping properly .. so my body said give me a break .. i slept like mad today .. plus i was so depressed .. i was stuck with the half lives of pharm .. none of the calculations going into my head .. feel like i m the biggest duffer around ..

@vena .. holidays were ok .. i cant say it was real great when u ve to sit and slog all day long ..

anyway lets get back to books .. study hard everyone ..
@owl-city ....
u realy do it like that ,,i think i will be more behind u ,,i realy not do it well like u do ,,i will take those days off when my husband at home ..and i will go out and shopping ,,did u think in that way i could finish it in one year ???
i think iam loosing more times ,,,iam right??

hi , i didnt get it what u meant by when u said u really do it like that .. my husband has got like 17 ds leave .. and i was scared i d be disturbed .. but he was nice enough to sit and study with ,, not my stuff but his own .. he s working but he likes to study new stuffs .. and sometimes he s more serious than i am .. that kinda makes me feel ashamed ..
theres no harm in giving yourself time .. even i go out shopping and stuff .. and i have crazy bobbies which kinda takes my time off many times .. i ve good memories ofall the great times i spent , but dont just sit and study .. make a deadline .. u know they have a saying ... A goal is a dream with a deadline .. but that doesnt mean u shd deprive urself of all the fun and great times .. i ve too less time now .. so i cant afford anything now . too tensed for that
dont worry u ll finish it .. just set ur target .. calculate the time u need for ur 2nd read count back that time .. and see how much time u are left with .. and divide the days for each sub first read .. i mean make the big pic first .. and break it down into smaller targets ,, i m sure u ll do it in time ..

todays target .. 50 pgs ... made only 30 yest .. dissapointed .. ve only 5 days left for pharm
study hard guys ..
@owlcity ...........i meant that ur more seriouse in study than me ,,and i think all here studing better than me thats why iam scared ...........thank u so much for ur response

Hi is everyone doing?
I was not coming on forum because I was so shameful of telling you guys that I didn't study at all for three days.all I did was just 5 u world questions or may be 7 or 8 questions THATs ALL.i have been wasting time here and there. Whenever I used to sit for studying so many other thoughts were coming in my Mind from no where, all useless things which u cannot imagine. Just started to study n then I felt like I should play a game on my I pad. I mastered angry birds In these 4 days Sad .yesterday I made my timetable again and I was shocked to see how far I am from what I should be doing now..for an instance I thought maybe I cannot do this exam anymore. My classmates applied for residency this year and look at me Sad I so much wanted to cry. Ive been married for 1 yr now n have got such a supportive spouse but I'm not doing any contribution in our lives. All the burden is on one person.this morning I'm with my books again with the hope that I can again develop the courage to start studying but I feel so low....thought to talk to u guys coz u ppl can only understand what I'm talking about.
Sorry for wasting everyone's time here.
awwww u guys...comeon...everything will be ok...u have reached so one of us is dumb or a duffer or else we wudn't have passed out of med school....there is something in us that made us reach till here...we should not underestimate ourselves...we will do it..

im down with sickness but for some reason im enjoying it..Smile just a great excuse from being away from books...but now i wanna be ok soon!! hopefully tommorrow will start again...

@owlcity: its ok to be frustrated sometimes dear...but personally i feel you are doing me in medicine its never enough with studies...are u doing second reading now...if u are then i wud suggest pick a date somewhere in feb...or whenever is convinient for u...but pick a will help u going..u can always change need to tell your family and friends about it...its 50 bucks to change a date if less than a month...and if more than a month..then u can change it for will give u that kick just like u had before your final year professionals!! Smile

@vena: dont feel bad about spending time with family especially your husband...and god !!!nothing makes a girl more content than to go out and shop....remember..moderation in everything..i usually get up early in morning around 5 or 6 in the morning..then take a break at around 8.30 when he goes to work..then i sit down back to study around 9.30 or so and then take another break for lunch around 12-1pm...then again around 2 i study until 5 until he comes back...thats a lot of time...we usually spend evenings hanging out...initially when i was gonna take my exam in dec i extended my hours until just try and take out time when is not around..if he's at work or going running errands or stuff..

@ step1race: it happens to all of us.. i cried like hell when i didnt do well on my first nbme...i thought i was at the end...your 3 days included christmas dont feel bad....and consider yourself lucky to have a wonderful supporting husband...he is doing all this for u only out of love he doesn't want anything in return but only your love back....and in a few years u will be a support too...

lets get goin guys...i'l post my plan tommorow