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i stared i think on dec 25th.. was supposed to finish on dec 31st .. but now i m running behind again .. will finish tom along with FA ,, THEN I VE GIVEN ANOTHER 7 DS FOR U WORLD PHARM .. CALCULATING aroung 50 qs per day .. only ten i ll finish in 7 days .. thats my plan .. dont know how its gonna work ..

i found it hard in pharm .. cos i literally didnt feel like studyig .. but i had to finish in time . so i just went on .. and listened to the videos at 1.5 speed .. when ever i felt too saturated .... tjis time i felt like nothings going into my head .. felt much netter in my first read .. but i went on cos i ll be doing the uwqs .. so i ll be revising them over again . i did my last read in april ..and i did it in 30 ds in my first read ,, so i guess u ll be more faster cos u are doing it sec time .. dont worry u ll do it .. .. i frankly dont know wat to advise .. feel so messed up with the drug names .. this time i tried memorising a lot of stuff ..taking more time

hi friends

i couldnt sleep and i studied one more vedio of physio and 5 uw q of immuno

have a good night all
Good morning,

@owlcity, i felt the same when i did pharma, just before micro and immuno. once you will start doing questions of uworld you will feel much better. would you be doing it online or offline?

today i'll do immuno questions of uworld.
@vena86, good to know that you are at the end of it. are you doing two subjects at a time?
ok, happy studying.
hey guys..
@dr_raw i think its a good idea i should be sitting with a stop watch too and i will do questions straight and then right down their explanations in FA ( 10 will be i think too much for me). Thanx alot u motivate us a lot

@owlcity dont get depressed non of us studied on new years weekend but its okay new year is over now and we have to get goibg. Forget about the time u have wasted and study today with a new spirit.

@vena good going girl.

I only did 30 questions yesterday. i know U all must be thinking how bad im doing in Uworld but u know this forum is the only place where i can tell u guys honestly wht actually im doing.otherwise i cant tell anyone that im doing so bad.

I ill compete remainig 20 questions ( approx 4hrs) then i will revise whole micro.i should be done with this by tmorrow
good morning guyss...
I want to finish 30 pages of physio today...
Hope to have a good day and reach our goal.

Good luck everyone...............
goodmorning guys Smile

am ready to start a new day..anything more than 50 questions will make me happy today!!

@step1race: im watching your make sure u show up here in 4 hours after finishing those 20 questions Smile at what step of your preparation are u in? when planning to take exam?

@vena: u did good..let's see u finish your videos soon

@owlcity: hey was wondering how u were doing...candles and music..that sounds relaxing.. we all have faith in u..u will finish all your steps this year..just believe in yourself...and those days when ur not feeling upto it..just go out and have fun!
and we all are here for support..bunch of strangers but in the same state of our lives with the same frustration and same goals to reach!!

@imgpak, fatemah: goodluck keep studying
hey friends!i started preparing for step 1 couple of weeks before,can anyone help me out finding a proper protocol for step 1,when should i start my uw, should i do detailed study first and then q-bank,and what should i begin with,do you guys find kaplan sufficient?gud luck to all!
@ft2012:do first reading with kaplan textbook.Then go for uw, fa & read kaplan simultaneously. Thats what i am doing.
I am doing correct q of cvs pharm in uw.I have to finish vascular uw.
done with 20 questions

@dr_raw thanx alot.i feel so good after completing micro U world. i took so long. ive completed 1 read of KAplan with DVDS. This is my 2nd read of Kaplan with first read of FA and first read of U world. I wish i can give exam by March end. Wht about u where do u stand and when r u planing to take exam?

@ft2012 according to me you should start doing U world with your first read of Kaplan coz U world takes alot of time. And doing FA for the first time with U world for the first time is very time consuming. While u do U world make additions in your First aid so in the end you only have to review one book good luck
hello everyone

now its 1pm qnd starting my study ,,,,continue with physio

@dr-raw and step1 race thanx for ur support ,,,,the only friend i have in us is this forums friend ,,thank u all

@imgpak...thanks friend ,,iam not doing 2 subject together ,,but when i finish a subject i will do its uw ,,,i studied immuno before phyio but i dint finish its uw... becouse i love uw and when i get tiered from physio i will do some q from uw as a desert ....... we can use first aid in first read of kapaln ,,,can any one tell me please????
i hope u all do fine ....