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Full Version: My prep for the day !! - usres12
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Hey guys
@fatemah2011 don't worry. I know unwanted guests are a big problem but we all hav to deal with it. What I would say is try waking up early in morning before everyone else wake up and study for good 2 hrs.u will see that is the best way to study when there are ppl in your house.

@raw I can imagine cardio questions must be tough Sad Im not yet there.

@owlcity u world takes time coz of writing, turning pages to find the topic, pasting n memorizing what u have written. If we keep on solving questions only then it won't take much time. Keep going gal coz that's we all have to do.

@vena where are u lady?

I started from head n neck. Didn't do much today. Going for dinner now to one of our family friends.
Cu guys tomorrow
HI guys ..
I really appreciate happy to have you guys here..before I've edjoin this pages I was really alone,,thank thank u..
I can start to study for few hour today bc I'm done and my house is clean...and going to start physiology...
happy studdinnggggggg...good luck everyone..
done with cvs,bld vs,renal ,endo ,, starting cns .. 99 qs .. phew . thats a long way to go .. taking a break .. heading to the gym ..
hi all . didnt study much today only some patho & now will start uw pharma quest again
Next block incorrect q.
done 48 quest ( gi , renal , oncology , head & neck , oncology ) will read the incorrects now

are u feeling more confident now in pharm .. i thought i d just go fast thru FA cns before i start qs .. and it looked so new to me .. as if i m reading those drugs for the first time .. got shit scared .. well back to kap again .. dont know wat i ll do et the end ..
@owlcity yes after reading kaplan pharma again i got my confidence back . while reading the uw explanations i will read briefly fa along with it & see if they have that similar point in there & write the educ oject in fa along with the quest id no.
i am comfortable with kaplan will stick to it , dont want to damage my knowledge again !
@owlcity don't worry first read Kaplan CBS pharm & then do the q you will definitely score high.I am going to start doing with my correct q.
gn guys .. didnt do much today ..
@dr-raw how s it going today ..

@vena .. where are u .. wats up ..

going to sleep .. will try to patch up tomor ..

study hard guys