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Full Version: Ethics question - samideb12
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A 27 years old pregnant woman presents in her last trimester of pregnancy with severe cephalopelvic disproportion .Her physician have recommended a C/S .She does not want to udergo the surgery .She fully understands the procedure and she is unwilling to suffer the discomort of surgery.She has been informed that without the C/S her fetus may not survive childbirth.What should you do?
A.Honor her wished and do not perform the C-section
B.Psychiatric evaluation
C.Sedate her and perform the surgery
D.Obtain a court order to perform the surgery
E.Explain the situation to the baby's father and ask him or consent
A. The fetus is still a part of the mother's body so she has the right to choose the treatment and we should honor her wish.
I think A is the correct answer
Yes ,A is the correct answer