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Full Version: "Match" is the best... - matchdoctor
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To all those who decided to go to the match:
" You are right" guys. Match is the best. I just want to share with you guys. When I see alot of people signing pre-matches, I get "irritable" to be honest with you b/c those who got prematches had got a position, while in my caes I have to gamble in the match although I have been offered a prematch, but then I start re-thinking again..It is OK let them sign prematch, good luck to them but I will go to the match b/c I know that I will get into University program. I know that the next few months will be difficult or me, but I will continue this trip...I know I will be stressed now but will laugh at the end....My advice to all those who got adequate no. of interviews, +20 dont ever accept premach, you will match in a very good program and again being called by many, many programs it means that you are good candidate so, you will match. I know that the feel of insecurity might lead anyone of us to sign a prematch, dont do that, just hang in and you will do it....Good luck to all those who will go to the match...and those who prematched
man,let me tell u somethin,I ve seen university based programs that would make anybody be proud of being part of them ,untill you get to know them..
I ve seen university based programs(surgical) with 2 years accreditation,as i ve seen comunity based programs with 5 years accreditation.
I also saw people choosing comunity based programs instead university based cause they felt will get more prepared academic and clinically out of this programs.
As you can see being part of university program is not a clear White ,as being part of comunity based [programs is not clear Black. Sometimes is exactly the opposite,sometimes different shades between this 2 categories.
The idea is if you get a prematch at a very good comunity based program with 5 year accreditation,with strong academic side,why not take it,instead of a match at a 2 year acreditated university based program,not that well organized,where residents look like ghosts?
can you answer me ? or you already start thinking and now you re "digesting" what i just told you?
Well, it is your point of view ofcourse, but I always prefer a University based program. Good luck to you whether in university or community programs
hi matchdoctor,
got 13 interviews,but only 4 of them from univ.i also want to go to univ.have i got any chance
Dadehar is speaking with match doctor which are one and the same person.
Definitely you have a chance, go to the match. Statistically( and theoritically) your chance to match is 100% overall and 50% in university based program so why not??? GL
ce faci gogoasa,esti pe aici?

I have 7 interviews- 1 university program,. Statistically( and theoritically) how much are my chances to match??????????????/
For this year, there are extreamly high number of applicants seeking a position, almost double the number from last year. Those people who reject a prematch and go for the match MIGHT not get match as there are lots of good candidates. Some definately will get match but there will be more people this year who will be unmatched. Are you ready to gamble and loose one year? Good luck to those who is going for the match. Remember that the match favour American graduates first, then green card holders.
double the last year?

pleeeeeeese - it's pretty stable last few years.....every year people are crying it is the hardest year ever...85-90% of IMGs find the position ( including pre-match, match, scramble, post-match, off-cycle)...

basically - my view - if you have programs on your interview list way better then the one offering pre-match and this is your first year - go to match - I would never forgive myself not to take a chance to match at the really good program...You short-sell your self once - that's going to be a pattern for the rest of your life...
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