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Full Version: 2013 Match - salaria261
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it looks pretty tough with the elimination of the pre-match and reduction in GME funding, but also more AMG's increasing, there will still be a demand for IMG's but it will definitely be tough and will get tougher each year...u will need more than just great step scores!! o well...lets see wat happens
I have a question here, Can a program have the right not to participate in the match and offer all its position with prematch? ( I heard all or none game. Like a program can give all its positions with prematch or all its positions for the match. Is that true ???? )
madarachal nadaswarani ni ai wa-ma
@kasava - interesting question, but according to the article i think all programs have to offer in the match, Obama slashed $5 billion healthcare so next year programs will not have that many positions

@jimjima - speak it english